Fishy craft for Pentecost
These simple craft activity ideas have been chosen so that you can adapt them using whatever crafty things you can find. They are helpful as discussion prompts for people who like to have something in their hands (kinaesthetic thinkers) as they talk, or to help a group of people of different ages engage with one another.
Then you can take them home to remind you of the ‘two fish and five loaves’ in this story about Jesus feeding 5000 people.
Discussion prompts: I wonder what you would be thinking if you saw Jesus feeding all of these people? What questions would you like to ask him?
Palm leaf fish toy
This can be made with strips of paper, or of plant material (even seaweed if available).

Making and painting a fish from foil is a fun activity for children.
Foil painting fish
Use a Q-Tip (cotton bud) and some aluminium foil and make and paint a fish.
Yarn fish
Use some leftover yarn, some waste cardboard and buttons or paint for eyes, and make a yarn fish.
Make a moving fish
Follow the instructions in the video and use some coloured paper or card to make a fish that moves.