Indigenous garden blooms
Healesville Yarra Glen Uniting Church members are demonstrating their commitment to walking together with First Nations people, through the establishment of an indigenous garden.
Grants offer great opportunities
A number of grants are available to support a wide range of programs and initiatives throughout the Uniting Church in Victoria and Tasmania.
Continuing education for chaplains
Schools Engagement Co-ordinator with equipping Leadership for Mission, Paola Rojas, outlines two new courses being introduced by Pilgrim Theological College this year.
Building bridges to peace
Last month the world welcomed a ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hamas. On the ground in the Middle East, a number of groups continue working hard towards bringing about a more permanent peace for future generations.
Keeper of the faith
As Synod Archivist, Dr Jennifer Bars has access to a wealth of history relating to the Uniting Church and its predecessors.
Road trip raises awareness
The potential harm facing children in the digital age was on the agenda during a recent visit to Tasmania by Senior Social Justice Advocate Mark Zirnsak and Australian Federal Police officer Kate Fitzpatrick. Readers are advised this article discusses issues around online child sexual exploitation and sexual extortion.
New Awe-stralia beckons
Ministry of the Word candidate Alisha Fung suggests there are a number of steps the Uniting Church can take to encourage people to return to the Church.
Let’s give Graham a hand
Uniting Church lay preacher Graham Booth is doing a power of good as part of Longford's The Helping Hand in Tasmania.
Radio dial tuned to recognition
Presbytery of Gippsland Missional Support Resource Minister and Presbytery Secretary Debbie Bye's stellar contribution to Christian radio over many years has been recognised with a major award.
Inspiring – Celebrating Stories of New & Renewing
Inspiring – Celebrating Stories Of New & Renewing Coming together to encourage each other in the Gospel grow connections discover fresh ideas of new & renewing share lessons learned from experience hear of funding opportunities When: Sat 5 April 10am-3pm (9:30 registration for a 10am start) Where: Centre for Theology & Ministry Cost: City $45;…
Pastoral Partner Program – Online Training
In May 2025, eLM are offering training in the fantastic Pastoral Partner Program with none other than the creator of the Program, Sharonne Price! This is wonderful training for Congregations and Faith Communities. And is also great training for those Lay Preachers who find themselves in pastoral situations. (Mel Perkins, Synod Lay Leadership Development Coordinator) People…