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Mental Health Resources for Young People

Young people are telling us they are worried about their mental health, and the mental health of their friends. The medical industry confirms a significant rise in the prevalence of mental health disorders in young people.

The following is a collection of resources, media & websites we’ve collated to support ministers, leaders, families and young people to consider their own mental health, and the mental health of young people in their community.

Our mental health exists on a spectrum. Understanding how we feel, and what causes us to move across this spectrum, allows us to take care of our mental health, and help those around us.

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A great starting point is the 1-page Tips for a healthy headspace (PDF). You might also enjoy watching this 4MIN conversation by Australian young people about mental health:

There is a lot of information and resources available, so we recommend you start at the Head to Health website. Provided by the Australian Department of Health, Head to Health brings together apps, online programs, online forums, and phone services, as well as a range of digital information resources.

Head to Health provides critical advice regarding navigating the Australian health system, as well as strategies for supporting loved ones. They also have a dedicated Covid-19 Support area on the site.


Mental illness & mental health problems are complex, and the more we understand, the better we are placed to offer appropriate support.

headspace provide some fantastic articles to help understand the variety of mental health issues. Check out their website (and we also recommend flicking through the ‘life issues’ section while you’re there). For a more thorough understand, the team at Orygen have collated resources, factsheets & free training modules for specific mental health disorders. The training modules are facilitated by expert clinicians. Check them out.

Whilst there are many factors which may cause mental health issues, social media & the digital world remain a significant trigger. The eSafety Commissioner has some wonderful articles to help young people (as well as parents & children) navigate & respond safely. Their website is a fantastic resource to be familiar with.


Note: these resources are compiled by Bradon French, Youth Ministry Consultant with the UCA Synod of Vic/Tas. Bradon is not a licensed mental health professional.

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