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equipping Leadership for Mission

The eLM unit provides resources, education and engagement across the entire Synod - in other words, it equips Leadership for Mission.

Its influence is far reaching, formal and informal, across events, forums and engagement campaigns, face-to-face and in traditional and digital media.

eLM is focused on serving and resourcing the presbyteries and congregations, the individuals and groups across the Synod to increase their capacity to engage, lead and thrive as disciples in mission.

Formed in 2017, eLM has five streams:

  • Education and Formation for Leadership
  • Priorities, Focus and Advocacy
  • Relationships and Connections
  • Marketing, Functions & Administration
  • Dalton McCaughey Library


The Education & Formation for Leadership stream focuses on resourcing the current and future leadership for ministry. Current leadershi-lay and ordained-are resourced for ongoing roles within congregations, presbyteries and beyond the Church. Formal accredited pathways are delivered through Pilgrim Theological College, which offers awards in theological education.

There are four strands to this stream:

  • Pilgrim Theological College
  • Leadership development: Continuing education
  • Leadership development: Lay leadership
  • Intercultural Leadership Development


The Priorities, Focus & Advocacy team focuses on social justice, intergenerational and intercultural ministry, new and renewing communities and disability inclusion. It advocates for change in society (individuals, communities, governments and policies) and Church to help those who are marginalised, disadvantaged and vulnerable. It also works with the Church to develop inclusive communities, and equip leadership for contextual ministry and mission.

There are six strands to this stream:

  • Disability inclusion
  • Intercultural communities
  • Intergenerational ministry: focusing on children & families, youth and young adults
  • New and renewing communities
  • Social justice
  • Presbytery eLM Ministry


Through Relationships & Connections, eLM partners with other agencies to resource leadership and ministry beyond the congregation and presbytery setting, such as schools, prisons, camping and hospitals. It is also responsible for placing ministers within congregations, agencies and schools across the Synod, as well as overseeing the missional and educational grants available for the ongoing support of mission and ministry.

There are five strands to this stream:

  • Relationships with agencies and partners
  • Chaplaincy – Prisons, Schools, Hospitals
  • Placements
  • Grants


Marketing Functions & Administration is a broad-ranging unit that:

  • Produces print assets, including Crosslight
  • Manages Synod’s social media channels and almost 90 websites
  • Manages all media and reputational risk to Synod
  • Promotes and supports the work of the Church in VicTas
  • Supports all eLM events and events at CTM, Parkville
  • Manages the CTM in Parkville, including Maclean House B&B
  • Supports congregations through the CTM Resourcing website
  • Manages Otira Book Club, and much more

The Communications team is co-located between the Synod Centre (CBD) and the Centre for Theology and Ministry (Parkville). It can be contacted by email at communications@victas.uca.org.au.

The Administration team at CTM supports the work of all eLM units as well as a range of other activities. These include the Otira Book Club, CTM Resourcing (which provides resources to congregations, the UCAF, McLean House B&B bookings at CTM) and much more.

A list of key eLM contacts can be found here.

eLM streams