Picture of February carousel x in the page Home

Looking for a congregation?

Picture of Donations bequests hero in the page Gifts, Bequests and Donations


Bequests are critical to the work we do, helping us with education, social justice, community support and continuing our faith and mission.  After providing for your family, a bequest is a special way of ensuring the mission of the Church is sustained.

Picture of Tile mission x in the page Home

Money For Mission

Congregations are invited to consider a way to generate ongoing income streams to fund their mission and also resource the wider Church’s missional endeavours.

Picture of Intercultural hero in the page Ministry & Mission

Intercultural Communities

The connection between people of different backgrounds enriches us. We have 22 Culturally and Linguistically Diverse congregations and worship in 14 languages other than English.

Picture of Uca schools feature in the page Home

Associated Schools

Our associated schools educate a combined 14,400 students. They provide a learning community that offers young people spiritual, intellectual, emotional and physical growth, and reverence for the environment.

Picture of Disability inclusion hero in the page Ministry & Mission

Disability Inclusion

We are committed to ensuring people with disabilities are equal participants in all of our activities. We work with individuals, congregations and presbyteries, and a range of organisations beyond the Synod.

Picture of Social justice feature in the page Home

Social Justice

Our Justice and International Mission unit works with congregations and social justice networks to shift and shape public policy towards a fair and just world. It provides regular opportunities for you to be an active voice for justice in the wider community.

Picture of U eithical hero in the page U Ethical

U Ethical

We are an ethical funds manager which grants most of its operating surplus to social justice advocacy and community programs. Formerly known as UCA Funds Management, U Ethical is an autonomous social enterprise of the UCA.

Picture of Uniting agewell feature in the page Home

Uniting AgeWell

Our specialised aged care services include residential care, home care, allied health and therapy services, carer support and respite services, social support, transitional care and independent retirement living.

Picture of Keping children safe hero may panorama in the page Home

Safe Church

We are committed to providing safe environments where children are cared for, respected, nurtured and sustained. We have zero tolerance of all forms of child abuse and will do all in our power to safeguard children from it.

Picture of Pilgrim hero in the page Pilgrim Theological College

Pilgrim Theological College

We offer the highest standards of scholarship in theology, philosophy and ministry. It is one of many colleges that form part of the University of Divinity in the Australian cities of Melbourne, Adelaide and Sydney.

Picture of Uniting hero in the page Uniting


Our community services organisation works across Victoria and Tasmania, partnering with people to build their capacity and confidence so they can look forward to a brighter, healthier and happier future.

Picture of Youth hero in the page Youth

Younger Generations

We assist young people form and develop their faith and have a positive impact on their community. We do this by consulting, advocating, resourcing and training leaders, congregations and presbyteries.

Picture of Grants two in the page Grants offer great opportunities

Grants offer great opportunities

A number of grants are available to support a wide range of programs and initiatives throughout the Uniting Church in Victoria and Tasmania.
Picture of Image e in the page Continuing education for chaplains

Continuing education for chaplains

Schools Engagement Co-ordinator with equipping Leadership for Mission, Paola Rojas, outlines two new courses being introduced by Pilgrim Theological College this year.
Picture of Georgiaverrells uniting foodforfamilies edit schools in the page Community service with Uniting Vic.Tas

Community service with Uniting Vic.Tas

Schools Engagement Co-ordinator with equipping Leadership for Mission, Paola Rojas, writes about the community service opportunities available through Uniting Vic.Tas.
Picture of Archives one e in the page Keeper of the faith

Keeper of the faith

As Synod Archivist, Dr Jennifer Bars has access to a wealth of history relating to the Uniting Church and its predecessors.
Picture of Tassie three e in the page Road trip raises awareness

Road trip raises awareness

The potential harm facing children in the digital age was on the agenda during a recent visit to Tasmania by Senior Social Justice Advocate Mark Zirnsak and Australian Federal Police officer Kate Fitzpatrick. Readers are advised this article discusses issues around online child sexual exploitation and sexual extortion.
Picture of Di three in the page A journey of love with Di

A journey of love with Di

As Steve Wright continues to care for his wife Di, who has dementia, Uniting AgeWell is with him on every step of the heartbreaking journey.
Picture of Debbie award two in the page Radio dial tuned to recognition

Radio dial tuned to recognition

Presbytery of Gippsland Missional Support Resource Minister and Presbytery Secretary Debbie Bye's stellar contribution to Christian radio over many years has been recognised with a major award.
Picture of Joan carboon one e in the page Joan cracked the code

Joan cracked the code

Joan Carboon, who receives a government-funded home care package through Uniting AgeWell, has a fascinating story to tell about WWII.
Picture of Leoni one e in the page New life for old church

New life for old church

At Sheffield in Tasmania, Leoni Reed sees first-hand evidence of the important role a church can play in the life of a vibrant community.
Picture of Banner in the page Exploring Theology in the UCA

Exploring Theology in the UCA

Exploring Theology in the UCA has been created around the Worship and Preaching Competencies for Biblical studies from the “Assembly Standards and Competencies for the Formation and Education for the Specified Ministry of Lay Preacher”. So, those training for the ministry of Lay Preaching, and those needing to undertake training for the Worship and Preaching Competencies…

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Picture of Young students x px in the page Agency and Empowerment - Leading at and beyond school

Agency and Empowerment – Leading at and beyond school

This event aims to foster critical thinking and nurture leadership, agency and empowerment in young leaders from Year 10 to 12. ​ Join us to learn from industry leaders as they share their experiences and insights about ethical leadership. More details to come prior to the event! When: Thursday 13 March 2025, 9.00am to 3.00pm Where: Wesley…

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Meet our senior leadership

General Secretary