Building bridges to peace
Last month the world welcomed a ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hamas. On the ground in the Middle East, a number of groups continue working hard towards bringing about a more permanent peace for future generations.
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- Features
Keeper of the faith
As Synod Archivist, Dr Jennifer Bars has access to a wealth of history relating to the Uniting Church and its predecessors.
Road trip raises awareness
The potential harm facing children in the digital age was on the agenda during a recent visit to Tasmania by Senior Social Justice Advocate Mark Zirnsak and Australian Federal Police officer Kate Fitzpatrick. Readers are advised this article discusses issues around online child sexual exploitation and sexual extortion.
A journey of love with Di
As Steve Wright continues to care for his wife Di, who has dementia, Uniting AgeWell is with him on every step of the heartbreaking journey.
Salute to past and present
Born 200 years ago, Scots Church’s enduring place in Hobart’s history will be recognised on September 8.
Hope and heartache
Uniting Church leaders reflect on the Covenanting Statement, which turns 30 next month. The article features an image of an indigenous person who has died.
Sunshine and shadows
In 2016 Paul Townsend died of a drug overdose after battling schizophrenia for nearly 20 years. His mother Mardie has written a book detailing a life of promise cut short by mental illness.
That’s what friends are for
Reaching out to others can transform your life, so let’s make 2024 a year to say goodbye to loneliness and hello to friendship and social connection.
Reflections on Easter
As we move towards Easter, five Uniting Church figures talk about what the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ represents to them.
Synod means business on ethics
The spotlight is firmly on the issue of ethical procurement, and how Uniting Church members can ensure the products they use have been made using fair, not forced, labour.
In touch with our past
Compile a history of the Uniting Church in artefacts was the brief given to archivist Christine Gordon earlier this year for a presentation to the Assembly Standing Committee.
Trip down memory lane
In 1973, four years before the Uniting Church formed, a number of people were ordained as Methodist Ministers and, 50 years later, five of them share their journey since that momentous day.
The power of youth prevails
Melton Uniting Church’s Grace Community is reaping the rewards as it embraces the benefits brought by young people.
Volunteers make a difference
Uniting AgeWell volunteers are proving the old adage that it's as much fun to give as it is to receive.
A week in the life of …
Minister and co-ordinator Rev Natalie Dixon-Monu outlines what happens during a hectic week at Boroondara Community Outreach in Kew.
Back to the future
In less than 12 months, the Uniting Church Assembly will meet to make a number of vitally important decisions, arising from the Act2 Project, aimed at ensuring the Church’s sustainability for many years to come.
Voices of reason speak
As the referendum on a Voice to Parliament draws closer, indigenous leaders in the Uniting Church tell us why a yes vote will make for meaningful change.
Issues of faith and figures
Former Uniting Church Minister Rev Philip Hughes has drilled down into the 2021 Census data to provide a lowdown on the state of religion in Australia.
Seen and herd in childcare
Children and older people are having fun together at an innovative intergenerational learning centre at Uniting AgeWell.
Regions set for the future
Thanks to strong leadership and innovative thinking, the Synod's five regional presbyteries are well placed to meet future challenges.
Two hearts beat as one
The amalgamation of the Corio-Norlane and Lara congregations late last year has their members looking forward to an exciting year.
Heat is on for change
As climate change wreaks havoc on our planet, Uniting Church members talk about how strong and decisive action can have a positive impact.
Vehicle for change
Synod Senior Social Justice Advocate Mark Zirnsak is driving the campaign to raise awareness about Uber and Uber Eats' exploitative business practices which negatively impact its drivers and delivery riders.
Where are we going?
Four Uniting Church Ministers give their thoughts on where the Church should be heading as we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Rough and tumble and a way out
As homeless numbers continue to rise in Victoria, four people share their stories of life on the streets and how Uniting were able to assist them.
Would you like to dance?
They say it takes two to tango and that's definitely the case with disability and spirituality.
Queer eye on the Bible
Transgender Minister Josephine Inkpin drew on her own experiences last month when she and wife Penny led what they believe was the first queer theology course in Australia.
Jenny’s life in mission
Former equipping Leadership for Mission executive officer Jenny Byrnes reflects on her lifetime of service to the Uniting Church.
Matter of life and death
When a doctor pronounces us dead, are we really dead? Or is part of us still alive? If so, is that our soul, or spirit? Or are they the same thing? So many questions. Read on and you may find some answers.
Food project feeds hope
Former Uniting Church Presbytery Minister Anthea Maynard is part of a project providing food and hope to millions of people around the world.
Kaniva hand? Of course you can
When SA border restrictions left many tourists and residents stranded, two neighbouring towns sprung into action.
History’s page opens up
The Dalton McCaughey Library's world-class collection allows visitors to enjoy a peek into the theological past.
Putting unity in community
In a wonderful example of community outreach, Natalie Dixon-Monu and a team of dedicated volunteers in Kew are doing outstanding work to assist those doing it tough.
Elliot’s hidden a-gender
Elliot Nicholas was born a girl and had the birth certificate to prove it. But sometimes facts can get in the way of a good story. Or, in Elliot’s case, provide some dark chapters.
Tuning in to the Holy Spirit
We sometimes take it for granted, but music has the power to inspire us in our daily faith and worship.
It’s a good habit to get into
A growing number of people are embracing a relatively new concept of prayer called Holy Habits, based around getting into the Acts for a new way of worshipping.
It’s time to raise our ‘sites’
Many of our churches that were built for communities that no longer exist as they once did can enrich congregations and communities in ways not previously possible.
Putting the ‘I’ in Uniting
A new book chronicles the lived experience of 21 members of the Uniting Church. Their reflections are honest, insightful, illuminating and sometimes inspiring. These are some edited extracts.
Amalgamation right on Kew
Three congregations with a 'shared commitment around mission’ have joined forces to build a better future.
The right frame of mind
Why do some people with mental health issues feel marginalised by the Church, and what can we do to correct that?
Ours is to reason why
Australia Remade national co-ordinator Millie Rooney says the church and governments have important roles to play in shaping a better society.
Keeping it all together
Unable to enter aged-care facilities during the pandemic, chaplains came up with some innovative ways to stay connected with residents.
Centre provides comfort zone
A new chaplaincy centre that was 40 years in the making has opened to assist people in western Victoria.
Women of the Word
The Uniting Church prides itself on how it embraces women in positions of leadership, including ministry. Three female ministers, from Victoria and Tasmania, share their stories of being 'women in ministry'.
Fostering a sense of care for children
There is a crisis in our community that has gone unreported and, as a result, is unnoticed. And it involves children - vulnerable children. The matter is widespread and urgent and help is needed. Now.
For many of us, it’s a question of faith
What is faith? How would you define it? Are faith and belief one and the same thing? What would the world look like without faith? So many questions, but all the answers lie within.
Financial program offers a cents of purpose
A new initiative is using underutilised assets to fund mission and ministry and future-proof congregations.
Deadly fight for rights in the Philippines
A call for action has been issued as ongoing human rights abuses continue to be a stain on democracy in the Philippines.
Gippsland revisited – journey through the broken heart of Eastern Victoria
This time last year all we could talk about was the devastating effects brought about by something beyond our control. No, it wasn’t COVID, it was the bushfires. 12 months later, much of East Gippsland is still on its knees.
Ethical gift guide: how to make your present go a little further
Christmas is almost upon us and there is nothing better than the gift of giving during this special time of year. Even better, your gift for that special person can help others less fortunate. Here are some suggestions for a gift that goes a little further.
Write of Passage: Rev David Fotheringham
"It is often the difficult things that we need to work through that become the greatest sources of growth for us," David writes.
How COVID-19 has affected young people’s mental health
Many of life's major milestones happen before we hit 30 - first job, getting hitched, having a baby. But this year, those milestones aren’t what they used to be and young people are suffering as a consequence.
How AgeWell has kept residents safe from COVID-19
Uniting AgeWell has managed to keep its clients and residents safe and connected through the deadly pandemic. Here's how.
Write of Passage: Rev (Deacon) Wendy Elson
"Jesus tells us that the Spirit has ordained him (and us) to hold people in their brokenness, to give priority to feeding and liberating, healing to the hurting and disadvantaged," Wendy writes.
Rev Dr Margaret Mayman: minister, mother and advocate
All things being equal, St Michael’s new minister would have lived a less public life. But things are never equal, as this social justice advocate knows all too well.
Sex and the Bible: Jione Havea Q&A
Jione Havea teaches Sex & The Bible at Pilgrim Theological College. Why? Because there’s a lot to explore and explain and many people “dirtify” the subject.
Why we need to do more to embrace our cultural diversity
Racial and cultural parity have never been more in focus than they are right now. But how does the Church measure up? We’re uniting in name, but is that the lived reality?
Indigenous kids taught all the wrong lessons
An emotional documentary shines light on Aboriginal oppression and calls for reform in education and justice systems.
Depths of pain – surviving child sex abuse
What started out as a dispassionate book review became deeply personal for Damien Tann when a couple of statistics made him reassess how the repeated sexual abuse he experienced as a child had impacted his life.
Ten ways to help and not hinder in a crisis
Rev Jude Benton lists 10 things to consider before offering assistance in a crisis. “Don’t feel guilty if you have made these mistakes – I have too!”
Holy committed to running the good race
Everyone runs for a reason. Get fit, lose weight, clear the head but, for some, the benefits of running extend to providing sustenance for the soul.
Faith, mission and ministry in the pandemic period
COVID-19 has upended any sense of normal on a global scale. Barry Gittins investigates the effects on our Synod and its ministries, how they have reacted and what might be next.
Aunty Rev Denise Champion: why we need a treaty
Aunty Rev Denise Champion says Australia has a “beautiful history” she hopes we, as a nation, will one day uniformly embrace. Reconciliation Week is a time to reflect on where we’ve been, where we are and, more importantly, where we are headed.
Write of Passage: Rev Angie Griffin
Rev Angie Griffin shares why The Syrophoenician Woman is her favourite Gospel character. "Despite so many obstacles she is determined to pursue what she needs," she says.
God’s Squad takes Christian ministry to the streets
For more than 50 years, God’s Squad motorcycle ministry has been reaching out to men considered by many to be outlaws. It provides a much-needed sense of family and church.
Minister tells of bushfire heartbreak and hope
As parts of Victoria burned uncontrollably over the New Year period, Rev Jennie Gordon was one of the volunteer chaplains deployed to assist those in need. These are the gripping, sometimes heartbreaking stories she witnessed and heard.
Exposing the hidden cost of domestic violence
Family violence is all-too real for too many people, especially women. It is also largely invisible, but that is something the Church is helping to change.
Turning the church back into a youth centre
The ways in which the Church engages with children has come a long way from traditional Sunday school. Now it’s a lot more fun, but still with a touch of class.
Camping in the shadow of a catastrophe
Ellaine Downie shares her experience of holidaying in Gippsland when the devastating bushfires ignited.
Write of Passage: Rev Susan Malthouse-Law
Rev Susan Malthouse Law reflects on the very personal reason why Elizabeth's reward is her favourite part of the Advent story.
The birth of Jesus – what is fact and fiction (probably)
On average, the New Testament is about 300 pages - yet there is still so little we know about the birth of Jesus.
Gippsland tales from the country of contrasts
Country Victoria is largely bent over by drought and economic adversity. Fortunately, they have a couple of aces up their sleeve – their people and churches.
The spirit of giving to those near and far at Christmas
Food for Families and the Christmas Bowl Appeal are ways to share the blessings of the birth of Jesus both at home and away.
My life as a prison chaplain – Deborah Kottek Q&A
Rev Deborah Kottek spends a lot of time behind bars but doesn’t see the high walls, barbed wire and handcuffs. Instead, she sees people, humanity and hope. People worth helping.
Using church property to build mission work
To grasp fresh opportunities sometimes you need to let go of what you have. Manningham and Ballarat are benefitting from the sale of underutilised assets.
The many ways and meanings of prayer
Most of us are taught from an early age to pray, to talk to God and give thanks, maybe even ask if a wish can be granted. But is that all prayer is? And what exactly is prayer?
Men’s Sheds and the tools for better mental health
If you haven’t experienced mental illness chances are the person next to you has. It’s that common. But for many salvation can be found in a Shed.
Write of Passage: Rev Ajub Jahja
"The fact is we can’t forget the pain and bitterness we have experienced. We cannot remove from our memories all the bad experiences caused by others. They are a part of our history."
Amar proves there is life after leprosy
Amar Timalsina was just 12 when he was diagnosed with leprosy. It immediately saw him ostracised from his school, community and, worst of all, his family. Thirty years later the Nepalese school principal is disease-free and working tirelessly to help those still afflicted.
Why churches must change to stay alive – Mat Harry Q&A
New & Renewing Communities Catalyst Rev Mat Harry says churches need to take the initiative and cross the threshold into other people’s worlds.
How literally should we take each word in the Bible?
It took 1000 years to write, has myriad authors and everyone has an opinion on it. Two millennia on, it continues to drive contemporary commentary and, in doing so, divide opinion. So how should we interpret it - literally or figuratively? Or both?
Write of Passage: Rev Jay Robinson
It’s not always easy to do but I always try to get to know someone rather than judge them. I am continually surprised at the people I get to meet and be with. They are all amazing children of God.
Tender acts of mercy allowed us to be there for Bronwen
"Bronwen recently told me if she could have her life over again she would not change a thing. And neither would I. Those difficult years were so filled with love, compassion and grace that it actually became a high point of my life."
Diep Tran and Trang Vo’s epic refugee escape
In 1983, Diep Tran and her niece Trang Vo fled to Australia in fear of their lives, but the journey was just as hazardous. We present their remarkable stories to honour Refugee Week on 16-22 June.
Moderator Denise Liersch takes up her leading role
Denise Liersch talks about her approach to being Moderator and what her prayers and hopes for the church are.
Why heaven could have wheelchairs – Andy Calder Q&A
Andy Calder has dedicated his life to people labelled with disability or mental illness. It is a calling that has challenges on many levels but it hasn't challenged Andy's faith.
Write of Passage: Rev Sally Douglas
"We can experience moments of great insight and clarity in our ongoing relationship with Holy One – Sacred Three and then we forget. The clarity fades, or we freak out, and we return to our old habits of thinking, or patterns of behaving."
Cross purposes- delving into denominations
Christianity is a broad church, with tens of thousands of branches each with their own peculiar approach.
Game of Thrones and the reality of fantasy
In preparation for the premiere of the heavily-hyped final season of Game of Thrones before the culmination of the season of Easter, Rev Ian Ferguson compares the two.
Art and Soul- Christina Rowntree Q&A
In the beginning was the Word … but now there is also art to help explore and expound on the subject of spirituality. Christina Rowntree explains how art and faith are intertwined
Why the message of Easter remains vital
Is Easter’s message still being heard or does the church need to pull a rabbit out of its hat?
Write of Passage: Rev Claire Dawe
"When I become overwhelmed or simply can’t grasp the clarity of vision I need, I turn to this verse so I can find some alignment with what’s actually important, and what is not."
Fighting the good fight – Mark Zirnsak Q&A
What could go wrong? Plenty, it seems, particularly in the social justice sphere, which is why Mark Zirnsak does an 11-hour JIM workout five days a week.
Write of Passage: Rev Rod Peppiatt
"I have come to love this mystery; to cherish what I don’t know, and to engage with what I do know. And for this, I’m grateful to Jesus, Paul, and all the others who have gone before."
Plenty of belief up on the big screen
There’s more to Christian cinema than a Cross and crown of thorns. Chances are you’d be surprised how many popular movies have fundamental Christian themes.
The Science of Playing God
Genetic manipulation is no longer in the realm of science fiction, raising a whole new set of ethical dilemmas.
The spirit of youth and keeping the faith
Being a young person of faith means you won’t win too many popularity contests, particularly among your peers. But that’s no reason to retreat.
Mind fields
Are those suffering from mental health conditions in rural Australia receiving adequate support or is the system failing them?
Above and beyond
UC ministers Lucas Taylor and Matt Cutler talk about their podcast 'Beyondering' which aims to connect people within and outside the church who share their interest in spirituality.