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Picture of Img e in the page From inspiration to impact

From inspiration to impact

Year 10 to 12 students from schools connected to the Uniting Church gathered at Wesley Place recently for an engaging day centred around leadership, learning and inspiration.

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  • Synod 2019
Picture of Denise liersch 24 1 e1565847867797 in the page UCA backs mandatory reporting laws for ministers

UCA backs mandatory reporting laws for ministers

Moderator Denise Liersch has spoken out in support of making it mandatory for ministers of religion to report child abuse.
Picture of Homeless subway scaled in the page The harsh reality of having no place to call your own

The harsh reality of having no place to call your own

Homelessness Week (4-10 August) is a time for us to stop and think about what life is like living on the street, particularly as temperatures continue to plummet.
Picture of Aaron burden 7oj3o6pk10s unsplash scaled in the page Moderator's pastoral letter on Voluntary Assisted Dying response

Moderator’s pastoral letter on Voluntary Assisted Dying response

This pastoral letter from Moderator Denise Liersch was sent to congregations in Victoria and Tasmania following Synod's decision on how to respond to Victoria's Voluntary Assisted Dying legislation. 
Picture of Img 6971 scaled in the page See Synod for yourself with this video recap

See Synod for yourself with this video recap

The 14th Synod saw the installation of Reverend Denise Liersch as Moderator, a formal response to Victoria’s Voluntary Assisted Dying legislation, introduction of the new Disability Action Plan and much more.
Picture of Synod2019 day4 e1562824235558 in the page Synod day four - recap

Synod day four – recap

Today’s major order of business was to decide on the response to the Victorian Voluntary Assisted Dying legislation.
Picture of Synod2019 day3 in the page Synod day three - recap

Synod day three – recap

Day 3 included Agency and Assembly reports, NAIDOC Week presentations and the adoption of a Statement of the Heart.
Picture of Synod2019 day2 in the page Synod day two – recap

Synod day two – recap

The day began with a Bible study led by Dr Liz Boase, which was followed by reports from Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress Victoria, UAICC Tasmania, Walking Together Group and Synod Ethics Committee.
Picture of Img 6968 scaled in the page Synod day one - recap

Synod day one – recap

Day 1 of Synod kicked off with a welcome by new Moderator Rev Denise Liersch. What followed was a mix of reports, proposals, Bible study, reflections and other activities, such as Choose Your Own Adventure.
Picture of New moderator calls on church to explore new ways of worship 02 in the page New Moderator calls on Church to explore new ways of worship

New Moderator calls on Church to explore new ways of worship

Denise Liersch says “don’t cling to the status quo … look for where the Spirit of God is at work in unexpected places and ways”.
Picture of Humey chair web e1559196676491 in the page Narana swells with Indigenous surfing pride

Narana swells with Indigenous surfing pride

Narana Aboriginal Cultural Centre is preparing to welcome some of Australia’s top Indigenous surfers who are taking part in the eighth Australian Indigenous Surfing Titles.
Picture of 36820623 2065823106825347 2561205061506039808 n in the page UCA reaffirms same-gender marriage stance

UCA reaffirms same-gender marriage stance

UCA President Dr Deidre Palmer has reaffirmed the Uniting Church's stance on same-sex marriage after the ABC published an article stating the church is divided.
Picture of 11034508 3x2 940x627 in the page A call for unity after Sri Lanka bombing

A call for unity after Sri Lanka bombing

In the wake of the horrific bomb attacks in Sri Lanka, Uniting Church Reverend Dev Anandarajan has called for people to come together and reject violence and disunity.
Picture of Chuttersnap 331504 unsplash scaled in the page Senior magistrate calls for removal of courtroom Bibles

Senior magistrate calls for removal of courtroom Bibles

A senior magistrate wants all Bibles to be removed from Victorian courtrooms because “they are relics from another time” that "belong in a museum, not a modern court".
Picture of Uca calls for end of gas tax loophole in the page UCA calls for end of gas tax loophole

UCA calls for end of gas tax loophole

Gas producers aren’t paying a fair share of tax and the government’s plans to cut back their future concessions do not go far enough, Synod’s Senior Social Justice Advocate Mark Zirnsak says.
Picture of Uca marchers join climate class action in the page UCA marchers join climate class action

UCA marchers join climate class action

Uniting Church members and staff marched through the streets of Melbourne in solidarity with about 40,000 striking students demanding action on climate change
Picture of A message to uniting church members about the decision on marriage at the 15th assembly in the page A message to Uniting Church members about the decision on marriage at the 15th Assembly

A message to Uniting Church members about the decision on marriage at the 15th Assembly

Dr Deidre Palmer addresses members of the Uniting Church about the decision to hold two equal and distinct views on marriage.
Picture of Christmas creeting 2017 in the page A Christmas greeting from Moderator Sharon Hollis

A Christmas greeting from Moderator Sharon Hollis

  Message – Transcript Theologian Serene Jones often speaks of her congregation’s celebration of the Christmas story. Each year, as someone narrates, different members of the congregation act out the various parts. Serene tells how transforming this can be, both for…
Picture of 40 year anniversary banner in the page Celebrating 40 Years

Celebrating 40 Years

Moderator Sharon Hollis asked five previous moderators of the VicTas Synod what they hope for the Uniting Church in the next 40 years. This short video is to assist congregations consider what they hope for themselves and the whole of…