Home / Geoff Thompson

The Basis of Union at 50: Its Present and Future


Hosted by Pilgrim Theological College and Chaired by Rev Sharon Hollis, President UCA Assembly It is 50 years since the final form of the Basis of Union was published and put forward for consideration and decision by Presbyterian, Methodist and…

Talking theologically about… preaching

Centre for Theology & Ministry 29 College Crescent, Parkville, Victoria, Australia

The idea of this gathering emerged from some informal musings amongst UCA ministers about expanding the opportunities for theological conversations. It is hoped that this will be the first of several similar events. On this occasion, the theme will be…

Talking theologically about… work… and public theology

Centre for Theology & Ministry 29 College Crescent, Parkville, Victoria, Australia

This is the second of a series of gatherings aimed at expanding opportunities for informal theological conversations amongst UCA ministers. On this occasion there will be two themes. Rev Brendan Byrne will kick of a conversation about work. Rev Fran…

The Future of Christian Doctrine

Centre for Theology & Ministry 29 College Crescent, Parkville, Victoria, Australia

“Doctrines are produced over time as social constructions in the terms available in any historical and cultural context and also as a catalyst to social construction. Doctrine is always both the product and producer of social construction, the shaper and…