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Presbytery of Loddon Mallee

The Loddon Mallee Presbytery is situated in central and northern Victoria, from Castlemaine in the south, extending right up north in a wedge past Mildura.

On this webpage you will find all our current Executive and contact numbers.

However, we also have an unofficial webpage which you will find updated at least weekly and which has poetry and art by Rev Ken Rookes and other gleaned reflections on the lectionary as well as news on what is happening in our Presbytery. It is called ‘The River of Life’ and is located at https://loddon-malleeuca.blogspot.com/

Our region is made up of distinct communities. We seek to understand the special needs of small rural communities and larger provincial towns. Our congregations are diverse, mostly linked together in local Clusters. We recognise God’s creative hand at work and the presbytery is committed to encouraging each expression of God’s activity in the gathered community.

Our Presbytery Standing Committee works towards assisting and enhancing the priorities of presbytery and developing the mission of the church in each congregation. In our Presbytery “the Standing Committee fulfils the functions of Mission, Education, Pastoral Care, oversight and administration, aided by a Pastoral Relations Committee.”

The Presbytery Ministers and Secretary offer gifts of pastoral care, administration, mission development and oversight, thereby assisting and supporting our mission.

Contact Us

Presbytery Staff and Officers

Chairperson: Ms Libby Gregory
Secretary:  Position Vacant
Treasurer: Mrs Kaye Penny
Administration Assistant: Katherine Wall Dobson
Hospital Chaplain: Tanya Dunbar

Loddon-Mallee Presbytery

PO Box 2088
Bendigo Delivery Centre
VIC 3554
Tel: (03) 4416 3336
Email: [email protected]

Presbytery Ministers

Presbytery Minister – Southern Region and eLM Minister:
Rev Gordon Wild | Email: [email protected] | Phone: 0413 455 856

Presbytery Minister – Northern Region:
Position Vacant

Presbytery Minister – Administration:
Position Vacant



Presbytery of Loddon Mallee