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Bringing the Word to Life together Year A


This book suggests a different way of proclaiming the Word at Sunday worship.

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This book suggests a different way of proclaiming the Word at Sunday worship. Instead of the congregation simply listening to the preaching, it invites us to consider the option of the congregation being involved in how the Word is interpreted and how that response can be expressed. The word comes from two of the Uniting Church’s most gifted Ministers of the Word who offer the churches the fruit of their ministry in the South Sydney congregation. They provide complete homilies for every Sunday of Year A that are practical, thoughtful, challenging and solidly scholarly. In addition, each Sunday has an invitation to the congregation to respond in some way to the Word that has been broken for them and usually involves people contributing their own insights into the Bible’s message. In this way, the congregation can witness to the truth they have heard and connect it with their experiences of life in all its complexities and richness. The responses are practical and respectful. They invite honest reflection and prayer; and a renewed thirst for justice and connection, providing one way towards an effective proclamation of God’s Word in our time.