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Living with the Neighbour who is Different


Living with the neighbour who is different – Christian faith in a multi religious world

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The neighbour who is different comes from a faith tradition and culture that is not Christian. For some in the churches, this presence is welcomes as an enrichment of our Australian society; others see it as threatening our ways of life and sense of community.

This book is an attempt to consider the faith issues involved. How do Christians who confess Jesus Christ as Lord witness to their faith with the neighbour who is different? How can we respect the other’s faith and lifestyle while remaining faithful to our own deepest convictions and traditions? What does it mean to be a follower of Christ and a member of his church in a society of many faiths?

The author suggests some ways forward, based not on any sense of denying what we hold precious but on mutual respect and a mutual searching for God’s purposes in a diverse and multicultural world. The suggestion is that the searching itself will lead us to deeper understanding of what we truly believe and a deeper love for the God who is Lord of all and whose will is that all people live together in love and faith.