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Digital resources for youth groups under lockdown

The tradition of Friday night gatherings need not end with current lockdown requirements. Yes, physical distancing has suspended gatherings, yet below are several options to explore that might provide entertainment and engagement for  your communities.

Digital Platforms

House Party is a face-to-face social networking app featuring interactive games and bonus features.

There is no cost for users.

Jackbox hosts digital games for 1-8 players across many devices. Here’s a handy explainer for new users. Jackbox is generally suitable for ages 15+.

One user will need to purchase a party pack – approx $20-30.

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Netflix Party is a Chrome browser extension that synchronises video playback and adds group chat to your favourite Netflix shows. There is no charge.

For ideas on what you could watch, have a listen to Work Experience Podcast episode Why is God on My TV? (HINT – do not start with Pandemic. Maybe try The Good Place?)

Kahoot quizzes have a retro vibe, but are still plenty of fun. Choose from millions of existing learning games by searching for a relevant topic, or else create your own kahoot.

There is no charge to use & create Kahoot quizzes.

Padlet is a free and easy to use platform for creative expression and collaboration. Have a squiz at the simple introductory video below:


Tabletop Simulator is available via Steam. Used in conjunction with a 3rd party chat app (like Discord), individuals can play card games, board games, RPG & much more. You can stream TTS into Zoom meetings through screen-sharing. Those endless Zoom meetings would be much better is they included UNO.

We also recommend you check out Viber, WhatsApp or Telegram is you’re looking for secure messaging platforms other than Facebook Messenger.

Analogue Activities

It might be that after using screen for work/school at home all week, you want to explore some offline activities.

Thanks to Darren at Gungahlin Uniting Church, here’s a lost of possible activities. Simply share instructions via usual communication channels, and invite young people to share results! We might consider them to be acts of #GuerillaGrace

  • Have a street art competition every month, every house has to decorate their driveway.
  • Leave messages of hope on the footpath in chalk
  • Give cuttings of plants (succulents are dead easy) or seeds and pots of potting mix away for people to grow in their house.
  • Leave poetry in everyones letter box every week.
  • Loan books from your shelf out to each other.
  • Make cards, write to people and use snail mail.
  • Offer to walk people’s pets.
  • Offer to shop for people who may be isolating.
  • Offer tutoring assistance (over video or audio of course)

You might also encourage congregations members to participate in the various initiatives such as Going on a Bear Hunt Australia or Rainbow Trails Australia

We’d love to hear your suggestions

Get in touch with your ideas and plans. We’d love to share them. And keep an eye on www.ucayouth.org.au for more practical ministry resources

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