Home / Lay Leadership / Period of Discernment / Period of Discernment Presbytery contacts

Period of Discernment Presbytery contacts

If you are looking for someone in your Presbytery to talk with about the Period of Discernment, contact the relevant person below:

Gippsland: Judy McLeod, [email protected]

Loddon Mallee: Joyce Bartlett, [email protected]

North East Victoria: Rev Michelle Lees, [email protected]

Port Phillip East: Tim Angus, [email protected]

Port Phillip West: Temukisa Amituana’i-Vaeluaga, [email protected]

Tasmania: Denise Savage, [email protected] OR Anthea Maynard, [email protected]

Western Victoria: Rev Trevor Bassett, [email protected]

Yarra Yarra: Joan Wright Howie, papertyper.net

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