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Period of Discernment (overview)

Discerning your gifts for service in the ministry of Christ – your life’s purpose and vocation

The Uniting Church’s Period of Discernment (PoD) is about exploring the various ministries of the Uniting Church (“the priesthood of all believers”, both lay and ordained), articulating your own growing sense of call or vocation, and providing some further steps towards discernment by you and the councils of the Church. Discernment is the intentional practice by which a community or an individual seeks, recognises, and sets out to take part in the activity of God in a real-world situation. In the Uniting Church discernment of gifts for ministry is both individual and communal, and uses the Period of Discernment to explore the shape of personal vocation and its expression in the world and the Church. This page includes a range of useful resources for participants and guides.

Information kit

  1. Period of Discernment booklet (“info kit”) – FREE download from CTM Resourcing
  2. Guidelines for the Period of Discernment (UCA Assembly)

Related Resources