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Picture of New pic jesus in the page It's a question of faith

It’s a question of faith

Questions around the birth of Jesus add many layers to our life and faith, writes retired UC Minister John Evans.

  • All
  • Ajub Jahja
  • Bob Faser
  • Bradon French
  • Claire Dawe
  • Denise Liersch
  • Ellaine Downie
  • Hotel quarantine
  • Jennie Gordon
  • Peter Whitaker
  • Robyn Whitaker
  • Rose Broadstock
  • Sally Douglas
  • Sean Winter
  • SweeAnn Koh
  • Vivienne Mountain
Picture of New pic jesus in the page It's a question of faith

It’s a question of faith

Questions around the birth of Jesus add many layers to our life and faith, writes retired UC Minister John Evans.
Picture of Nativity pic e1638735807527 in the page Season to be thankful

Season to be thankful

The words of Luke tell us that it is in our darkest moments that God breaks in and fills us with the Spirit, says Moderator Denise Liersch.
Picture of Worship two pic in the page What and why of worship

What and why of worship

As churches come out of extended lockdown, it's the perfect time to take stock of what we are doing in worship and why, writes Minister Sally Douglas.
Picture of Mel new pic in the page Lessons learnt in nature's gift

Lessons learnt in nature’s gift

A pair of blackbirds have taken up a spot under the roof of the pergola in Mel Perkins' garden, offering the perfect example of the importance of making space for others.
Picture of Soward pic one in the page Dealing with disillusionment

Dealing with disillusionment

Melanie J Saward's latest book is particularly timely, as we deal with a sense of disillusionment exacerbated by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Picture of Evans books in the page Turn the page on opportunity

Turn the page on opportunity

The humble street library gives retired UC Minister John Evans plenty to be grateful for during our pandemic lockdown.
Picture of Guidance photo e1634682526895 in the page Recognising God's guidance

Recognising God’s guidance

As we face an uncertain future, retired minister Malcolm Dunjey says seeking direction from God is more important than ever.
Picture of Sally douglas pic in the page No scorecard for success

No scorecard for success

"Caring is not a competition and when we slip into competing, this is a sure sign that we are not anchored in Christ", says Richmond UC Minister Sally Douglas.
Picture of Grief one e1634515977254 in the page Ways we can cope with grief

Ways we can cope with grief

Human connection and honesty are important when dealing with grief, says clinical counsellor and Uniting Church member Vivienne Mountain.
Picture of Jennie pic in the page Giving birth to blessings

Giving birth to blessings

In the era of COVID-19, Minister Jennie Gordon says our task is how to live when our expectations are sometimes challenged.
Picture of Covid pic three e1633641233983 in the page Life in the COVID-19 bubble

Life in the COVID-19 bubble

Two weeks in hotel quarantine in Far North Queensland gave Synod communications officer Andrew Humphries plenty of time to ponder the role of faith in the era of COVID-19.
Picture of Climate justice photo scaled e1633476750937 in the page Climate is right for change

Climate is right for change

As Christians, we are called by God to work towards mitigating climate change as a matter of faith, says Moderator Denise Liersch.
Picture of Label pic scaled e1630379658768 in the page What the label says about us

What the label says about us

Who we are as the Uniting Church, and what that 'label' means for us, is worth considering, writes retired Minister John Evans.
Picture of Candle pic e1630118432159 in the page Find contentment in lockdown

Find contentment in lockdown

Even amid the stress and worry of lockdown, there is a great deal to be thankful for, says retired Uniting Church Minister John Evans.
Picture of Covid pic one 2 in the page Pandemic forces us to rethink connection

Pandemic forces us to rethink connection

The impact of COVID-19 throughout Australia and the world means we need to reconsider how we connect with each other.
Picture of Needle and cross in the page Question of faith and vaccines

Question of faith and vaccines

Gippsland Minister Rev Jennie Gordon has written a thoughtful, and thought-provoking, article around the need for vaccinations as COVID-19 continues to wreak havoc throughout the world. “History has shown us that vaccination works,” Jennie says.
Picture of Census pic two 1 e1628220651521 in the page It's time to make faith count

It’s time to make faith count

Tuesday, August 10 marks Australia's official 2021 Census night and Uniting Church members are encouraged to fill in the question relating specifically to their religion.
Picture of Column cross in the page It's faith that unites us all

It’s faith that unites us all

As the Uniting Church celebrated its 44th anniversary recently, Moderator Denise Liersch reflects on what can be achieved when we come together with a common purpose.
Picture of Macrae pic in the page Prayer needs to reflect diversity

Prayer needs to reflect diversity

Rev Alistair Macrae argues that it is no longer appropriate to open sessions of the Victorian Parliament with a recitation of the Lord's Prayer.
Picture of Denise easter pic two in the page Risen Christ guides us on our journey

Risen Christ guides us on our journey

Ahead of Easter Day, Moderator Denise Liersch invites us to experience the life of the risen Christ and celebrate the limitless possibilities of life in God.
Picture of Bible one in the page Focus is on assisting faith communities

Focus is on assisting faith communities

As the Uniting Church's structures and responsibilities change over time, it's important to adapt and explore the opportunities presented.
Picture of Bread two in the page New year brings the hope of renewal

New year brings the hope of renewal

A new year and all it brings allows us to work together as one and embrace the Spirit of God.
Picture of Alastair macrae e1611802340854 in the page Why I am returning my Australia Day award

Why I am returning my Australia Day award

Uniting Church minister Alistair Macrae is returning his 2017 Australia Day honour in protest over the upgrading of an award to tennis great Margaret Court, despite her controversial anti-LGBTI comments.
Picture of Sean new scaled e1610078091799 in the page You learn something new every day

You learn something new every day

Head of Pilgrim Theological College, Sean Winter talks about his role and what the college offers to students.
Picture of Jd designs pgokw5ll7e8 unsplash scaled e1607654605219 in the page Let's let God's love flower

Let’s let God’s love flower

Gardening teaches us a lot about God’s love and how spiritual growth can flower, writes Rev Rose Broadstock.
Picture of Lukas langrock nlq5shfb2se unsplash scaled e1607484903540 in the page Christmas spirit brings out the best in us

Christmas spirit brings out the best in us

The spirit of Christmas, and all the joy that it brings, has the ability to bring out the very best in people, says retired Hobart minister Rev Dr Bob Faser.
Picture of Max beck c72ecrostc4 unsplash scaled e1606958074128 in the page Carol touches on the hope of Christmas

Carol touches on the hope of Christmas

“In Advent, we hear the cries of the prophets, and are invited to join in their hopes for a world restored,” Denise Liersch says.
Picture of Arnie and bike rider in the page On the way home

On the way home

"Blessings on the homes who welcome family and friends as Christmas draws near. May the work to get ready be a labour of love and may the greeting meet and exceed expectations of joy."
Picture of Chris montgomery smgtvepind4 unsplash in the page Why we should embrace the advantages of virtual worship

Why we should embrace the advantages of virtual worship

Our traditional understandings of worship are being challenged, but that doesn’t mean we should be wary of them. These conversations are necessary for the church to move forward.
Picture of David weber fwuo zluhnw unsplash in the page How can we keep Holy Communion COVID-19 safe?

How can we keep Holy Communion COVID-19 safe?

With the support of Synod's Crisis Management Team, Rev Dr Sally Douglas has put together some thoughts on keeping Holy Communion COVID-19 safe
Picture of Mayron oliveira mibn6llm9ka unsplash in the page What I've learned from leading funerals during COVID-19

What I’ve learned from leading funerals during COVID-19

"This has no doubt been a difficult time, but I am continually reminded of the importance of being present in whatever way possible, as well as the power of words of scripture.”
Picture of Jeremy yap ecej br91xq unsplash in the page Why we should prioritise prayer practice

Why we should prioritise prayer practice

"We are doing ourselves, and one another, a disservice when we do not create spaces to safely discuss prayer, to experiment with prayer practices, to fall over, to learn and to be supported."
Picture of Girl holding heart in the page Why we should seek happiness through helping others

Why we should seek happiness through helping others

"Jesus encourages us to find our way through difficult times by turning our focus to others around us, knowing we are part of a community, turning our hearts and love toward each other."
Picture of People 2588594 1920 in the page What has COVID-19 taught us about connection?

What has COVID-19 taught us about connection?

"The constant surprise is finding God is at work sparking off new shoots of growth and opening up new possibilities, sometimes in ways we may have been resisting for years.”
Picture of Sarah noltner nnlmfq4p1hm unsplash scaled in the page How can youth ministry spark joy?

How can youth ministry spark joy?

"If our ministries with young people embrace the opportunities joy presents, it must be reflected within the life of our wider church."
Picture of Fezbot2000 57k5vcagqee unsplash in the page Hiroshima memorial reminds us to work for peace

Hiroshima memorial reminds us to work for peace

Anniversary of the Hiroshima bombing is a time to remember that aggression met by aggression, and violence met by violence leads only to suffering.
Picture of Trump e1591325470218 in the page Trump’s photo op with church and Bible was offensive, but not new

Trump’s photo op with church and Bible was offensive, but not new

"Trump held the Bible like a baby holding a spoon for the first time – unsure which end is which – but the real problem was the complete disconnection between the text in his hand and the force, both verbally threatened and actually used, to clear the way for his stunt."
Picture of Modcovid in the page Why going back 'to normal' isn't good enough

Why going back ‘to normal’ isn’t good enough

This is a time of invitation, to be caught up into the deep desire of God for a world of mercy, justice and peace, writes Moderator Denise Liersch.
Picture of 49952906713 f31284b921 k in the page George Floyd and the Good Samaritan

George Floyd and the Good Samaritan

Would you have intervened to stop the police officer from fatally kneeling on the neck of George Floyd? Sometimes whether someone continues to breathe or not depends on us, writes Rev Swee Ann Koh.
Picture of Henry be 4kdngw9vwwo unsplash 1 scaled in the page Can I get a witness? Violence, racism and Christian response

Can I get a witness? Violence, racism and Christian response

Recent stories of horrific acts have highlighted that witnessing is not just proclaiming the Good News, but testifying to or naming of injustice. “We have for too long tolerated the unfair treatment of those who are non-white.”
Picture of Thomas vitali owhtrwwtpku unsplash in the page What defines authentic worship?

What defines authentic worship?

How do we ensure what we are calling worship is actually worship? Are certain elements needed? Must everyone participate or can some just watch? Rev Claire Dawe explores this dilemma.
Picture of James coleman hzrfyw7bua unsplash 1 in the page Is it OK to have Holy Communion online?

Is it OK to have Holy Communion online?

Absence makes the heart grow tender in these days of social isolation. And it also prompts the question: Is it OK to have Holy Communion online? Rev Dr Sally Douglas shares her thoughts.
Picture of March month e1587089974411 in the page Now I understand what Lent is all about

Now I understand what Lent is all about

Ellaine Downie has always resisted participating in the spiritually nourishing sacrifices that precede Easter. But this year is different. “Unwillingly, I am experiencing what the disciples must have felt,” she says.
Picture of Ajub jahja 1 copy in the page What does trusting yourself to God look like right now?

What does trusting yourself to God look like right now?

St Andrew’s Gardiner UC minister Rev Ajub Jahja reflects on the function of faith during this pandemic. “Faith is important, but so is reason,” he says.
Picture of Ben white emzxdosijj4 unsplash scaled e1585529478191 in the page Dear parents, I'm sorry

Dear parents, I’m sorry

Intergenerational Ministry Coordinator Bradon French reflects on how church youth groups have failed to help parents form faith in their teenagers and children.
Picture of Mary1200 in the page Sex, sin, shame and the virgin birth

Sex, sin, shame and the virgin birth

"There is no suggestion in the biblical text that consensual sex is anything other than a gift from God."
Picture of Markus spiske 35uwvjglvlq unsplash scaled e1576557296487 in the page Why the Bible welcomes a gender spectrum

Why the Bible welcomes a gender spectrum

"We cannot simply pull a sentence or two from the Bible as if it offers the final word on sex and gender."
Picture of Joshua reddekopp qlfjkfbpppm unsplash scaled in the page Jesus as a newborn baby opens us up to God's love

Jesus as a newborn baby opens us up to God’s love

"In the face of a tiny innocent child in need of love and protection, our own disagreements, grudges, harboured hurts and disappointments can seem petty."