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Holistic digital practices

Picture of Digital community two in the page Holistic digital practices

By Kelly Skilton When reading The Gospel reading from the RCL this week, I was left with the question, ‘How are you to give to God what belongs to God in the digital world?’ Often people are so easy to…

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Digital community strategies

Picture of Digital community in the page Digital community strategies

By Kelly Skilton By gathering together we create opportunities for people to build connections, regardless of whether we are onsite together or online. Our Digital CARPETS remind us that our digital ‘rooms’ need to be safe and welcoming by addressing…

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Social media and justice

Picture of Intergen social justice in the page Social media and justice

By Kelly Skilton A globalised world has not only connected people together everywhere, but it has also helped us to see the impact that we can have when we advocate for others. The coming month, there are two justice campaigns…

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Act2 and our future

Picture of Intergen act2 in the page Act2 and our future

By Kelly Skilton If you have not heard what the Act2 Project is about, feel free to click on the links below: What and Why is it called Act2 Act2 Project Information Act2 Project Plan Hopefully these links have helped…

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Communication made easy

Picture of Family one e1690850432510 in the page Communication made easy

By Kelly Skilton When it comes to family connections and digital media, computers do not always get a good rap. The stories are usually along the lines of children being ‘glued’ to their phones, games and tablets rather than spending…

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Zoom in and connect online

Picture of Zoom online in the page Zoom in and connect online

By Kelly Skilton Through the ‘Connecting with Community Series’ I hope to introduce to you a range of digital mediums, however, it may also be about reminding you of things that our communities are frequently using to connect. In this…

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Fun times with Kahoot!

Picture of New kahoot in the page Fun times with Kahoot!

By Kelly Skilton There is more to the digital world then sharing information into the ether. There are many ways we can connect with each other, build communities and help learn more about who we are, who others are and…

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Habits transform our faith

Picture of Michael frost in the page Habits transform our faith

By Kelly Skilton In his book, Surprise the World. The Five Habits of Highly Missional People, Michael Frost explores five ‘regular rhythms or habits that transform our everyday lifestyles’ (P.17): Bless, Eat, Listen, Learn and Sent. Some of these practices…

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Safe ‘Digital’ Church

Picture of Online safety in the page Safe ‘Digital’ Church

We know children today are connecting across the digital landscape, but how are we able to recognise safe and supportive digital spaces? Getting our heads around Safe Church in the digital world can be overwhelming; luckily we have some digital…

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Digital rooms and CARPETS

Picture of Digital space 1 in the page Digital rooms and CARPETS

By Kelly Skilton When we gather together we create opportunities for people to build connections. The digital world is no different, and there are an abundance of places people meet in. For these digital “rooms” to be safe and welcoming…

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