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Mental Health Resources for Young People

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Young people are telling us they are worried about their mental health, and the mental health of their friends. The medical industry confirms a significant rise in the prevalence of mental health disorders in young people. The following is a…

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Returning to church. A trauma informed approach

Picture of Image asset in the page Returning to church. A trauma informed approach

Trauma-Informed Practice is a strengths-based framework grounded in an understanding of and responsiveness to the impact of trauma, that emphasises physical, psychological, and emotional safety for everyone, and that creates opportunities for survivors to rebuild a sense of control and…

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‘The End of Youth Ministry?’ Book Club

Picture of 61qw1dqlyal copy in the page 'The End of Youth Ministry?' Book Club

Theology & Youth Ministry guru Andrew Root has released ‘The End of Youth Ministry’ and we think it’s a cracker. To explore this text and how we might respond, we’re opening TWO book club meetings. COFFEE will focus on implications…

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Viral Virtual Choir Videos

Picture of Virtual choir image in the page Viral Virtual Choir Videos

Now that we’ve survived the pre-Easter flurry, it’s time to take stock. You’ve probably mastered how to deliver your church services, be that live, pre-recorded or other digital options. Congratulations (and if you need need help, check out these practical…

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Resources for worship in Stage 3 restrictions

Picture of Decision tree in the page Resources for worship in Stage 3 restrictions

The new stage 3 restrictions in Victoria limit our capacity for producing live-streamed church services, as many churches did on Sunday March 29. Below are some suggestions and resources to help communities continue to provide worship gatherings. Hopefully you’ve used…

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Passing the Peace – AUSLAN

Picture of Auslan interpreted event in the page Passing the Peace - AUSLAN

In this pandemic season, we believe it’s a chance for innovation and creativity. We’re delighted to share a short instructional video assisting church members and leaders to Pass the Peace using AUSLAN. Our thanks to Bek Allcroft for signing. For…

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Digital Giving – what are our options?

Picture of Aug 29 2018 online giving donate tithe word photo istock 505899810 in the page Digital Giving - what are our options?

For many people, their financial offering is a spiritual practice. A practical response to a generous God. For churches, offerings resource ministry and mission. In a season of social distancing and forced closures, here are a few options to allow…

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