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Worship, community, care & mission resources

Church is always the people, not the building. We are called to be open to the Spirit for new ways of ministry and mission. During this time of disruption we are finding new ways of being church to ensure we live into the call of being “sign, foretaste and instrument” of God’s kingdom in our world.

Many leaders, congregations and presbyteries are creating great resources for this time. Some of them are linked or reproduced here. This page is updated regularly – and we would value your feedback, and suggestions for additional resources. Please contact Rev. Nigel Hanscamp at eLM - nigel.hanscamp@victas.uca.org.au

Information and guidance regarding the current Covid-related changes to worship arrangements in Victoria and Tasmania is available at the FAQ page here.

Worship Resources

Here you will find resources for worship leaders to use to encourage people to worship and pray together as a gathered community or at home. Previous resources have been archived here.

Weekly Worship resources are created for use in gathered worship as well as worship at home. The Fig Tree project in Gippsland produces the resources posted on this page, with worship leaders from across Gippsland contributing to this offering. The page is updated weekly, normally by Wednesday evening.

16 March, 2025 (Lent 2)


The following resources have been gathered to assist individuals, families, communities and worship leaders in their practice and preparation for Easter through Lent. The headings are given to assist navigating the resources. Intergenerational resources may be used in general community worship, and prayer resources may be suitable for public worship or private prayer practice.

This list continues to grow each week. New links (added this week) are indicated with a * at the end of each description. New links are added at the top of each section. If you have additional ideas, please send a link and one sentence description to nigel.hanscamp@victas.uca.org.au

Worship and Intergenerational

  • Intergen have Intergenerational Worship resources for Lent and Easter.
  • Wild Goose have a range of Lenten resources for worship and prayer.

Studies and Devotionals

  • The Day is Done: A Lenten Journey (Rev Jennie Gordon). Come on a Lenten journey through 40 days of poetry and wondering, with weekly expeditions into the sacred text. It’s not a study, it’s a journey. Where will the Spirit lead you? Where will you find yourself?
  • Lent Event (Uniting World). As the world faces an ever-growing climate crisis, our neighbours in the Pacific, Asia and Africa are living with its devastating impacts. Lent Event invites you and your church/community to take 40 days of faith-filled action for God’s creation.
  • Everything is Political (Common Grace). This Lent season, as we approach the 2025 Federal Election, the Common Grace team is inviting our movement to walk through the last week of Jesus’ life in the gospels, reflecting on questions (and debunking myths) about justice and politics.
  • Transformed by Love (Tearfund). We know our world needs change – but change that will last is change grounded in love. From our local neighbourhoods, to places around the world facing the injustices of poverty, conflict and disaster, we see a world groaning for change – positive change that each of us desires to be part of.
  • https://intothedesert.org/ (Anglican Board of Mission). A range of studies that can be used in Lent or anytime: “God’s Own Country: First Nations Voices speak to the church.” “Repairing the Breach: Lent Studies for people of Mission.” “Where do we go from here: Missional Bubbles studies based on the book of Acts.”
  • True Freedom is a six-week course for Lent from The World Council of Churches and the Clewer Initiative, drawing on themes from the book of Galatians, and encourages individuals and churches to respond to modern slavery in their communities.
  • The Work of the People have a range of video resources suitable for personal prayer and communal worship (e.g. Visual Liturgies, video reflections for discussion). Subscription required for downloads.
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  • By the Well podcast from Rev Fran Barber and Rev Dr Robyn Whitaker (eLM and Pilgrim) explores one of the lectionary texts to equip preachers to proclaim the Word
  • Connectible - Worship Resources from Strandz, Children and Families ministry, Aoetearoa
  • Mustard Seeds - Worship resources from Ann Scull, Boronia Road UC
  • Singing from the lectionary – Song suggestions and new music for the RCL Lectionary.
  • Spill the Beans (Downloadable Resource for Advent and Christmas – Payment required)
  • Lost Sheep – Retelling Bible stories in a fresh way. Free resources are available here (Free Subscription required)
  • Passing the Peace using AUSLAN


Resources related to the readings for this week, including reflections, and audio-visual versions of the readings. Each week on the By the Well podcast, Rev Fran Barber and Rev Dr Robyn Whitaker explore one of the lectionary texts to equip preachers to proclaim the Word.

RCL Readings

The Uniting Church in Australia Revised Common Lectionary 2024-2025 (Year C) is now available on the UCA Assembly website.

First Sunday in Lent

Mar 09, 2025

Deuteronomy 26:1-11
Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16
Romans 10:8b-13
Luke 4:1-13

Second Sunday in Lent

Mar 16, 2025

Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18
Psalm 27
Philippians 3:17-4:1
Luke 13:31-35 or
Luke 9:28-36, (37-43a)

Third Sunday in Lent

Mar 23, 2025

Isaiah 55:1-9
Psalm 63:1-8
1 Corinthians 10:1-13
Luke 13:1-9
Isaiah 7:10-14
Psalm 45 or
Psalm 40:5-10
Hebrews 10:4-10
Luke 1:26-38

Fourth Sunday in Lent

Mar 30, 2025

Joshua 5:9-12
Psalm 32
2 Corinthians 5:16-21
Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32

Fifth Sunday in Lent

Apr 06, 2025

Isaiah 43:16-21
Psalm 126
Philippians 3:4b-14
John 12:1-8

Liturgy of the Palms

Apr 13, 2025

(Sixth Sunday in Lent)

Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29
Luke 19:28-40

Monday of Holy Week

Apr 14, 2025

Isaiah 42:1-9
Psalm 36:5-11
Hebrews 9:11-15
John 12:1-11

Tuesday of Holy Week

Apr 15, 2025

Isaiah 49:1-7
Psalm 71:1-14
1 Corinthians 1:18-31
John 12:20-36

Wednesday of Holy Week

Apr 16, 2025

Isaiah 50:4-9a
Psalm 70
Hebrews 12:1-3
John 13:21-32

Maundy Thursday

Apr 17, 2025
Holy Thursday

Exodus 12:1-4, (5-10), 11-14
Psalm 116:1-2, 12-19
1 Corinthians 11:23-26
John 13:1-17, 31b-35

Good Friday

Apr 18, 2025

Isaiah 52:13-53:12
Psalm 22
Hebrews 10:16-25
Hebrews 4:14-16; 5:7-9
John 18:1-19:42

Holy Saturday

Apr 19, 2025

Job 14:1-14
Lamentations 3:1-9, 19-24
Psalm 31:1-4, 15-16
1 Peter 4:1-8
Matthew 27:57-66
John 19:38-42

Holy Communion

Communion is a key part of our celebration of the Church’s faith and life. During times of physical distancing, this brings opportunities to think differently about the sacraments. The Assembly Standing Committee has offered resources to help Ministers and church leaders to think theologically and practically about how we offer worship with Holy Communion. Amelia Koh Butler offers this "Liturgy of Empty Hands" - a communion liturgy which allows for the absence of consecrated bread and wine/juice. Sally Douglas offers a Table Liturgy for Pentecost season.

Being Church in this time

In a time of pandemic, there are different ways of being church. This section gives some resources to those who are gathering online, resuming face to face, or working toward a hybrid model.

Could this time of social distancing and isolation be Jubilee, Sabbath or Retreat? This could be a time to explore some different ways of being Christian and being Church.

Faith Practices

What fresh faith practices could you or your household try? What new faith habits could you begin?

  • The Creative Ministries Network Congregation have created a set of 5 studies for personal, family or group use. “Covid-19: An Unprecedented Crisis? Creating a safe space for Faith, Reflection and Hope for small groups and congregations.” These studies create conversations between our experiences of the Pandemic, and the prophetic texts of the Old Testament.
  • Faith 5 Five simple steps for everyday household engagement in faith
  • Kitchen Table Project Ten easy things to try as a household
  • Top five faith resources for households, from the UCA Assembly website
  • Way to Live offers resources for growing Christian practices with Teens
  • Holy Habits offers resources for growing Christian faith and practices for all ages
  • Messy Church at Home is an opportunity for you to use Messy Church in your home context
  • Church at Home offers ideas for practicing Christian faith in a household context
  • Faith in the Home Links to ideas to help families through the week
  • Faith in Homes Faith nurturing tips, activities, podcasts and resources
  • Engage at Home are providing daily family prayer and worship activities (or via Twitter, Facebook or Instagram using the hashtag #EngageAtHome.


  • Sally Douglas has offered us a Midday Prayer resource that can be used with weekly lectionary or other bible readings. This is a great resource to use for a household, group or congregation to use midweek.
  • Sally Douglas has offered us some prayer resources in video and text, titled “Praying in Real Life”. Praying for Others, an Awareness Examen, and Praying in Silence are some of the types of prayer that Sally reflects on and leads us in.
  • The Banyule Network has created five resources on learning to pray in different ways; Praying with Images, Lectio Divina (Easter to Pentecost), Examen, Prayer Practices, A Movement-Based prayer resource for walkers, cyclists and runners. Try a different one each week.
  • Rev Jennie Gordon, Presbytery Minister Gippsland and poet, has written this Affirmation of Faith as we shelter at home, based on Psalm 23.
  • And this one for Psalm 130 “From Cries of comfort, to affirmation of hope".
  • Interfaith Litany for Wholeness from Rev Andy Calder (see Related Documents below).
  • StoryPath (linking lectionary to children’s literature).
  • The Abbey of the Arts is giving a Novena for Times of Unravelling – nine days of prayer. To learn more about this free resource, click here.
  • Poetry Unbound – a new, short-form podcast from On Being is presented by Padraig O’Tuama, and may be like a mini retreat in the new structure of your day.
  • Thank You Prayers
  • For families learning about the Lord’s Prayer, When You Pray – Children and When You Pray – Adults

Financial giving to your church

For many of us, our financial offering is a spiritual practice – part of our Christian discipleship, and a practical response to a generous God. For churches, offerings resource ministry and mission. The costs of our church’s mission and ministry continue during this time, and our ongoing financial support is important.

We encourage you to have a conversation as a church and inform your congregations of the best options.

In a season of physical distancing and forced closures, here are a few options to allow congregants to still give their offering.

  • Put cash in an envelope (plain or a planned giving envelope) in an offering bowl at home. Contact your treasurer or elders to discuss how this should be collected.
  • Mail a cheque to your church’s treasurer or stewardship contact.
  • Use online banking through your bank, or set up a direct debit to your church’s account at UEthical (contact your treasurer for account details)

For more information about some online giving options, click here.
Your Presbytery has also been thinking about this and have specific responses for your situation – please contact them directly for more information.

Live streaming worship services is a simple and effective way of participating in worship that doesn’t involve physically going to church. Facebook and YouTube are two platforms you can use.

For more information on how to live stream a service or church event, click here. If you intend to live-stream worship from your church building, please follow the latest advice from official government sources about the numbers of people who can be involved, and appropriate physical distancing.

The latest directive from the Victorian and Tasmanian state governments is that up to five people can be involved in a live-streamed service, provided social distancing guidelines are maintained.

Please see the Synod’s most recent FAQ for guidance on who may be involved.

With online worship, questions of safety look very different. Please read the Synod’s “Guidelines for Safe Online / Digital Ministry”. With in-church worship now on hold for the foreseeable future, more and more congregations are looking to broadcast their services in other ways. Some are:

If you have found other ways to broadcast your worship, please email Nigel Hanscamp. We’d love to spread the word. For a more complete list of VicTas congregations streaming, see 'ONLINE CHURCHES' below.


John Bottomley and the Creative Ministries Network Congregation have created two bible studies which can be used by small groups as they seek to be faithful communities of Christ in a time of pandemic. 

How do we think about being Church in a time of Pandemic?

Church is always the people, not the building. We are called to be open to the Spirit for new ways of ministry and mission in this time of physical distancing and social connection in different ways. During this disruption we are finding new ways of being church to ensure we live into the call of being “sign, foretaste and instrument” of God’s kingdom in our world.

As many of us are forced to consider new ways of doing and being church from our homes, the metaphor of “home” can offer life-giving perspectives and starting points for our new ways of gathering, care and mission.

God’s offer of Jubilee in Leviticus 25 sets out a program of pause and reset, every 50th year.  God calls his people to justice, liberty and security for all.  The land is left to be left fallow, to rest.  “You shall return, every one of you, to your property and every one of you to your family”. (Leviticus 25: 10) It is a time to more actively care for kin and neighbour.

While the ancient economic program of Jubilee does not equate with our current experience of pandemic, we have seen our Church's response to this time "sheltering at home" characterised by care for the vulnerable, the marginalised and the unemployed. As we continue to work and worship from home, God's Spirit is at work in us and among us for the wellbeing of our communities, our families and the whole Earth community.  May we be active participants of Jubilee in our communities, and in our world.

Many leaders, congregations and presbyteries are creating great resources for this time. Some of them are linked or reproduced here. This page will change over the coming weeks – and we would value your feedback, and suggestions for additional resources. Please contact Nigel Hanscamp at nigel.hanscamp@victas.uca.org.au

Mel Perkins (eLM, Lay Leadership) has collated some Mental Health resources to support mental health and emotional wellbeing.

Gathering again

Many congregations are considering when they might start meeting again for meetings, worship or missional activities.

The Synod has provided the following resources for Church Councils to use in making their decisions around this. It is imperative that you use the most recent information in making your decisions, and review your processes regularly. Remember that your presbytery can also assist you.

The Synod Covid-19 FAQ page – updated weekly, including:

Other information about gathering

  • For Youth groups and their leaders, Bradon French has an informative video with things to consider before meeting together.
  • Mat Harry offers some thoughts about using what we have learned in lockdown.

March 14, 2025