Ministry of Lay Preacher
The ministry of Lay Preacher is one in which lay persons may participate in the proclamation of the gospel and in witness to Christian faith and experience,
and for which they have received gifts and are called by the Holy Spirit.
[Reg. 2.2.3(a)]
The Uniting Church affirms the priesthood of all believers: that every member of the Church has gifts for service, and that all ministries have a part in the ministry of Christ. The Uniting Church provides for the exercise by men and women of the gifts God bestows upon them, including through specified ministries and the everyday vocations of Christian disciples in the world.
(Basis of Union, par 13)
A member of the Church who is recognised as a Lay Preacher may conduct services of worship in the Congregation in which such Lay Preacher holds membership and in any other Congregation to which the Lay Preacher may be invited by the Minister, or where there is no Minister in placement the Church Council. [Reg. 2.2.3(b)]
The Synod Lay Preachers’ Association page includes useful contact information for the Lay Preachers’ Association.
Anyone may undertake biblical, theological, and liturgical study. However, those people who feel a call to Lay Preaching must have this call confirmed by their Church Council, and recognised by their Presbytery. Lay Preachers in training (Lay Preacher candidates) and accredited Lay Preachers remain under the oversight of their Church Council and Presbytery.
Documents for Lay Preacher applicants/candidates – now including WWCC/R/VP registration numbers:
- Called to the Ministry of Lay Preacher
- Application form as candidate (before training)
- Application form for recognition (after training)
Documents for active Lay Preachers: