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Picture of Img e in the page From inspiration to impact

From inspiration to impact

Year 10 to 12 students from schools connected to the Uniting Church gathered at Wesley Place recently for an engaging day centred around leadership, learning and inspiration.

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Picture of Garden three in the page Indigenous garden blooms

Indigenous garden blooms

Healesville Yarra Glen Uniting Church members are demonstrating their commitment to walking together with First Nations people, through the establishment of an indigenous garden.
Picture of Grants two in the page Grants offer great opportunities

Grants offer great opportunities

A number of grants are available to support a wide range of programs and initiatives throughout the Uniting Church in Victoria and Tasmania.
Picture of Image e in the page Continuing education for chaplains

Continuing education for chaplains

Schools Engagement Co-ordinator with equipping Leadership for Mission, Paola Rojas, outlines two new courses being introduced by Pilgrim Theological College this year.
Picture of Georgiaverrells uniting foodforfamilies edit schools in the page Community service with Uniting Vic.Tas

Community service with Uniting Vic.Tas

Schools Engagement Co-ordinator with equipping Leadership for Mission, Paola Rojas, writes about the community service opportunities available through Uniting Vic.Tas.
Picture of Feast of faith one in the page CALD to share their voice

CALD to share their voice

Culturally and linguistically diverse members of the Uniting Church are being urged to share their voices at Synod 2025 in August.
Picture of Macarthur three e in the page Church's agents of change

Church’s agents of change

As Macarthur Uniting Church members celebrate a special anniversary next month, they are proud to belong to a congregation that embraces different faith denominations.
Picture of Andrew johnson e in the page Act now on Act2 Project

Act now on Act2 Project

National Assembly General Secretary Andrew Johnson invites Uniting Church members to continue having a say in shaping the Church’s future through the Act2 Project.
Picture of Faithful futures in the page Update on Faithful Futures

Update on Faithful Futures

In his regular Crosslight magazine column, Moderator Rev David Fotheringham provides an update on the Faithful Futures Project.
Picture of Internet safety in the page Focus on internet safety

Making the internet safer

Today marks Safer Internet Day, a day of worldwide action promoting online safety and working towards a safer internet.
Picture of Survey two in the page Surveys offer vital snapshot

Surveys offer vital snapshot

The results of two annual surveys to be sent out to congregations next month provide vital information around the health of the Uniting Church in Victoria and Tasmania.
Picture of Sathi clarke in the page Special guest for opening

Special guest for opening

Rev Dr Sathianathan Clarke from United Theological College in Sydney will present the Commencement Lecture when Pilgrim Theological College opens the academic year on February 18.
Picture of Australia day flag in the page Recognition for their service

Recognition for their service

On Australia Day, we pay tribute to a number of people with Uniting Church connections who have been recognised in the annual Honours List.
Picture of Faithful futures in the page Faithful Futures Project update

Faithful Futures Project update

Moderator Rev David Fotheringham has provided an update on the Faithful Futures Project, which will help to discern future priorities of the Church in Victoria and Tasmania, and direct resources in response to the call of the gospel.
Picture of Moderator s message in the page Moderator's Christmas message

Moderator’s Christmas message

In his Christmas message, Moderator Rev David Fotheringham asks us all to "do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God".
Picture of Cheltenham one e in the page Joining forces in faith

Joining forces in faith

Charman Uniting Church's new headquarters will open next year, a fitting exclamation mark to a story of how four congregations became one.
Picture of Lucas ringwood e in the page Dollars make good sense

Dollars make good sense

The vibrant congregation at Ringwood Uniting Church continues to live out the ethos of Faithful Giving through a strong commitment to missional work.
Picture of Bairnsdale two e in the page Connecting with community

Connecting with community

From their op shop and coffee spot to ongoing support for Pacific Island workers and a local school music program, Uniting Church congregation members continue to make a positive contribution to the city of Bairnsdale.
Picture of President’s christmas message in the page President’s Christmas message

President’s Christmas message

The Christmas message from Uniting Church in Australia President Rev Charissa Suli is now available to download, watch and share! In her first Christmas message as President, Rev Suli reflects on how the good news of this season surprises us…
Picture of Ruffy swag two in the page Hope stitched up through project

Hope stitched up through project

A Uniting Vic.Tas community project which began with a coffee cup fundraising idea is providing warmth and security for Victoria’s homeless.
Picture of Sammy two in the page Project's stamp of approval

Project’s stamp of approval

The Sammy Stamp fundraising project has contributed $1.15 million to numerous deserving causes, thanks to the efforts of its tireless volunteers.
Picture of Unitingworld two in the page Gift of giving fights poverty

Gift of giving fights poverty

An Everything in Common gift card for a loved one is a perfect way to spread the Christmas spirit while helping communities throughout the world fight poverty.
Picture of Frontier christmas three in the page Chaplains signify Christmas spirit

Chaplains signify Christmas spirit

Frontier Services' bush chaplains are bringing the spirit of Christmas to families in remote parts of Australia.
Picture of Christmas bowl e in the page Bowl filled with compassion

Bowl filled with compassion

Act for Peace's Christmas Bowl and Uniting Church communities have been giving hope to displaced families for 75 years.
Picture of Mark money in the page Sharing wealth promotes goodwill

Sharing wealth promotes goodwill

Senior Social Justice Advocate Mark Zirnsak believes the redistribution of wealth could create more peace, joy and goodwill in the world.
Picture of Middle east converted in the page Advent and a call for peace

Advent and a call for peace

During this period of Advent, Moderator Rev David Fotheringham asks us to continue to call for a just peace and rebuilding in the Holy Land.
Picture of Valedictory eight in the page Pilgrim students complete studies

Pilgrim students complete studies

Pilgrim Theological College said goodbye to 17 students at last Thursday's Valedictory Service at Wesley Church.
Picture of Candle image in the page Funeral service for Rev Dr Michelle Cook

Funeral service for Rev Dr Michelle Cook

Final details are now in place for the funeral service for Rev Dr Michelle Cook, which will take place on Thursday (November 14).
Picture of Colin and carol one in the page Faith and hope in focus

Faith and hope in focus

Rev Colin Gurteen and Rev Carol Bennett from Tasmania reflect on a recent trip spent working for the Pilgrim Presbytery of Northern Australia.
Picture of Internal post image template x in the page Pastoral letter on Treaty

Treaty logo now available

The First Peoples' Assembly of Victoria has give the Synod of Victoria and Tasmania permission to use the 'Friends of Treaty for Victoria' logo in church material.
Picture of Faithful giving burwood heights e in the page Generosity reaches great heights

Generosity reaches great heights

Through a range of initiatives, Burwood Heights Uniting Church members continue to live out the ethos of Faithful Giving.
Picture of Share sunday one e in the page Staff share stories of support

Staff share stories of support

The wonderful work being carried out at Uniting Vic.Tas was outlined in a special Share Sunday service at Wesley Church recently.
Picture of Bayswater church two e in the page Bayswater's beacon of hope

Bayswater’s beacon of hope

At Bayswater Uniting Church, people struggling with mental health challenges and social isolation are finding a home through the Elm St Mission.
Picture of Peace pole beaconsfield two in the page Poles promote peace message

Poles promote peace message

Two Uniting Church congregations in Tasmania have embraced peace poles to promote an important message around humanity coming together.
Picture of Children column in the page Duty calls us on care

Duty calls us on care

In his regular Crosslight magazine column, Moderator Rev David Fotheringham writes about "faith being seen in action for good for those in need".
Picture of Pam grant two in the page Cookbook success tastes sweet

Cookbook success tastes sweet

For 120 years the Presbyterian Women's Mission Union Cookbook has been the go-to resource for wonderful meals, making October 24 an anniversary well worth celebrating.
Picture of Internal post image template x in the page Pastoral letter on Treaty

Pastoral letter on Treaty

Following his recent pastoral letter on the publication of the Synod’s submission to the Yoorrook Justice Commission, Moderator Rev David Fotheringham has written a second letter to introduce a Statement in Support of Treaty that has now been released by the Synod Standing Committee.
Picture of Yoorrook logo in the page Pastoral letter on Yoorrook

Pastoral letter on Yoorrook

Moderator Rev David Fotheringham has written a pastoral letter following the Yoorrook Justice Commission's decision to allow the Synod to release its submission to the Commission.
Picture of Chin dinner signing e in the page Pen to paper seals deal

Pen to paper seals deal

Launceston North Uniting Church Minister Rev Caro Field has written a wonderful article about the special relationship between the Tasmanian Chin Christian Church and LNUC and the Presbytery of Tasmania.
Picture of Ken baker two e in the page Mission flies at Airport West

Mission flies at Airport West

Airport West Uniting Church members are embracing the concept of Faithful Giving, and the joy to be found in supporting people through missional activities.
Picture of Sharon again e in the page Sharon returns to a new role

Sharon returns to a new role

Former Assembly President Rev Sharon Hollis has returned to the Synod of Victoria and Tasmania to fill the role of Associate General Secretary.
Picture of Warragul church in the page Climate right for action

Climate right for action

Warragul Uniting Church congregation members are tackling the negative impacts of climate change with some innovative thinking.
Picture of Johnsonville photo one e in the page Small in number, big in heart

Small in number, big in heart

Johnsonville Uniting Church congregation members are making a hugely positive contribution to the health and wellbeing of people in the Pacific Islands.
Picture of Charissa president e in the page Long journey for President

Long journey for President

A profile of Rev Charissa Suli, who made history last month when she was installed as the Uniting Church in Australia’s youngest President.
Picture of Moderator august e in the page God's stories worth exploring

God’s stories worth exploring

Examples of God's story can be found in so many places, says Moderator Rev David Fotheringham in his Crosslight magazine column.
Picture of Sean winter in the page Sean to step down at Pilgrim

Sean to step down at Pilgrim

Rev Associate Professor Sean Winter has resigned as Head of College at Pilgrim Theological College and will finish in the role on November 30.
Picture of Andy service six e in the page Service pays tribute to Andy

Service pays tribute to Andy

A passion for, and commitment to, pastoral education and disability inclusion was celebrated yesterday at a service honouring the work of Rev Deacon Dr Andy Calder.
Picture of Assembly three in the page That's a wrap for Assembly

That’s a wrap for Assembly

The 17th Assembly concluded this week following six days of discussion, discernment and engagement among Uniting Church members from throughout the country.
Picture of Covenant image in the page Covenant date celebrated

Covenant date celebrated

Today marks the 30th anniversary of the Covenant between the Uniting Church in Australia and the Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress.
Picture of Uaicc gathering in the page Covenant journey explored

Covenant journey explored

Members of the Walking Together in Covenant committee gathered in Tasmania recently for deep discussion around the journey between First and Second Peoples.
Picture of Narana photo in the page Narana change announced

Narana change announced

After 30 years, a decision has been made by the Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress to return indigenous cultural centre Narana Creations to the Wathaurong Co-Op.
Picture of Camping closure one e in the page Chapter closed on camping

Chapter closed on camping

The Synod of Victoria and Tasmania's decision last year to sell its camping sites brought back a host of memories for those who enjoyed great times spent outdoors.
Picture of Richard allen in the page Congregation powers on

Congregation powers on

Queenscliff-Point Lonsdale congregation members are embracing renewable energy in the fight against climate change.
Picture of Bishop one e in the page Monica welcomes colleague

Monica welcomes colleague

Pilgrim Theological College's Monica Melanchthon recently caught up with friend, colleague and former Bishop for the Madras Diocese of the Church of South India, Vedanayagam Devasahayam.
Picture of Warrnambool faithful giving e in the page Commitment and community

Commitment and community

Warrnambool Uniting Church's strong missional commitment to the local community, and beyond, lies at the heart of what makes it such a wonderful congregation.
Picture of Scoresby one e1717386678165 in the page Faith and family to fore

Faith and family to fore

Scoresby Uniting Church's 150-year history and important role in the community was celebrated recently.
Picture of People voting e in the page Democracy in the spotlight

Democracy in the spotlight

As inequality in Australia grows, people with little money have less of a say in how we are governed. The Synod's Justice and International Mission Cluster wants to change that.
Picture of Frontier services in the page Bush chaplains go extra mile

Bush chaplains go extra mile

Frontier Services' bush chaplains continue to go above and beyond the call of duty around regional and remote Australia.
Picture of Honours in the page Uniting Church members honoured

Uniting Church members honoured

Uniting Church members have been recognised in this year's King's Birthday Honours List for services to the Church and the wider community.
Picture of Winter warmth one e1716774130929 in the page Spread warmth this winter

Spread warmth this winter

Prahran's Hartley’s Community Meals has provided a sense of community and connection for over 30 years for those doing it tough.
Picture of 240605 digitalcontent image in the page Focus on content accessibility

Focus on content accessibility

A series of workshops are guiding Synod staff members and Ministers, Lay Leaders and Church Councils on how to prepare content for people with a disability.
Picture of Act2 project main graphic in the page Action stations on Act2 report

Action stations on Act2 report

The final report of the Act2 Project has been released to 17th Assembly members and the wider Uniting Church ahead of July's Assembly meeting.
Picture of Mod column one in the page Working towards a just future

Working towards a just future

In his regular Crosslight magazine column, Moderator Rev David Fotheringham calls on Uniting Church members to walk alongside our First Peoples towards reconciliation.
Picture of Jessica uniting victas in the page Jessica's on a mission

Jessica’s on a mission

Northcote Uniting Church member Jessica Hateley-Browne was commissioned recently as the new Director of Mission at Uniting VicTas.
Picture of Science and faith one e1716866740726 in the page Science, faith and lots of fun

Science, faith and lots of fun

Christian and former astrophysicist, Dr Dave Gregory, tackled questions around science and faith in a fun and challenging way recently.
Picture of Pomonal people one e1716865444196 in the page Pomonal rises from the ashes

Pomonal rises from the ashes

Pastor Damien Tann has written a wonderful article about how the Pomonal community has come together in the wake of the fire which ripped through the town earlier this year.
Picture of David at yoorrook two e1714625397963 in the page Moderator calls for healing

Moderator calls for healing

Moderator Rev David Fotheringham appeared at the Yoorrook Justice Commission yesterday, pledging the Uniting Church's support for the truth telling process around injustices suffered by Victoria's First Peoples.
Picture of Yoorrook two in the page Churches to appear at Yoorrook

Churches to appear at Yoorrook

Moderator Rev David Fotheringham will join Anglican and Catholic church representatives on a panel at the Yoorrook Justice Commission on Wednesday, May 1.
Picture of Crosslight magazine faithful giving artwork in the page Congregation gives generously

Congregation gives generously

Koonung Heights congregation members are contributing to the wellbeing of their neighbours, outreach mission projects, and the broader Church in a number of ways.
Picture of Crosslight magazine wesley centre photo in the page Faith in the public square

Faith in the public square

The Wesley Centre for Theology, Ethics, and Public Policy will be launched next month, aiming to speak words of hope and life into the public conversation in Australia.
Picture of Christian cross appears bright in the gold sky in the page Easter invokes grand themes

Easter invokes grand themes

In his Crosslight magazine column ahead of Easter, Moderator Rev David Fotheringham tells us that "God shares in our death, even as God leads us into life".
Picture of Pilgrim orientation sharon hollis and mark kickett in the page Pilgrim drives deep discussion

Pilgrim drives deep discussion

'Doing ministry on stolen land' was the question unpacked yesterday as Pilgrim Theological College staff and students began the academic year.
Picture of Leprosy two in the page Leading the fight against leprosy

Leading the fight against leprosy

Lay preacher Merrill Cole and the Eaglehawk Uniting Church congregation are working hard to support education around leprosy in countries like Nigeria.
Picture of Faithful giving two in the page Digging deep to help others

Digging deep to help others

The St Luke's congregation in Mount Waverley lives out the ethos of Faithful Giving by lending a hand to those in need.
Picture of Mod column feb in the page Pray that peace prevails

Pray that peace prevails

In his February Crosslight magazine column, Moderator Rev David Fotheringham urges us to pray during Lent for a just peace in the Middle East.
Picture of Helen geard in the page Helen leads list of honours

Helen leads list of honours

Tasmania's Helen Geard is among a number of Victorian and Tasmanian Uniting Church members recognised in this year's Australia Day Honours List released by the Governor-General.
Picture of Xmas wrapping in the page Moderator's Christmas message

Moderator’s Christmas message

"In a world that needs community, compassion and justice, Jesus shows us how to lean into that with humility, faithfulness and love," says Moderator Rev David Fotheringham.
Picture of Uniting xmas one in the page Uniting continues to care

Uniting continues to care

As Christmas looms, the wonderful work done by Uniting to support families comes sharply into focus.
Picture of Synod vote one in the page That's a wrap for Synod 2023

That’s a wrap for Synod 2023

Uniting Church members from throughout Victoria and Tasmania gathered in Melbourne last month for four days of discernment, discussion and connection as part of Synod 2023.
Picture of New column angels e1701816849707 in the page Listen for the call from God

Listen for the call from God

In his regular Crosslight magazine column, Moderator Rev David Fotheringham asks us to be still and listen to God's call.
Picture of David closing new e1700556857281 in the page Synod 2023 day four recap

Synod 2023 day four recap

Synod 2023 has come to a close today, following four days of discussion around important issues facing the Uniting Church in Victoria and Tasmania.
Picture of Synod vote five in the page Synod 2023 day three recap

Synod 2023 day three recap

Adopting a health-based approach to drug use, and supporting the concept of secure work were proposals adopted today on day three of Synod 2023.
Picture of Salesi and david 1 in the page Synod 2023 day two recap

Synod 2023 day two recap

The announcement of Rev Salesi Faupula as Moderator-elect, a Tributes Service, a number of proposals, and the opportunity for members to explore a range of issues were all part of day two of Synod 2023.
Picture of Salesi crosslight e1699829948200 in the page Moderator-elect announced

Moderator-elect announced

Rev Salesi Faupula has been confirmed today as Moderator-elect of the Synod of Victoria and Tasmania, and will fill the role of Moderator from 2025-2028.
Picture of Day one one e1700296019143 in the page Synod 2023 day one recap

Synod 2023 day one recap

Day one of Synod 2023 featured Opening Worship, Bible studies, a number of reports and a presentation from Moderator-elect nominee Rev Salesi Faupula.
Picture of David service one e1698010513518 in the page Service calls for peace

Service calls for peace

Moderator David Fotheringham joined other Church leaders on Friday in a service of peace, prayers and meditations in the wake of recent conflict in the Middle East.
Picture of Heather award e1697595473265 in the page Environment right for change

Environment right for change

Koonung Heights Uniting Church has joined a long list of churches being recognised for their environmental achievements.
Picture of Anne pate two in the page Opening the door to faith

Opening the door to faith

Anne Pate and her husband Alister are building a strong community of faith at Northcote Uniting Church.
Picture of Website post voice in the page Statement on the Voice

Statement on the Voice

National President Rev Sharon Hollis and Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress National Interim Chair Rev Mark Kickett have issued a statement folliowng the rejection on Saturday of an indigenous Voice to Parliament.
Picture of Voice prayer post in the page Prayer on the Voice

Prayer on the Voice

Uniting Church President Rev Sharon Hollis has written a prayer that can be used in worship on Sunday and beyond following the referendum on an indigenous Voice to Parliament.
Picture of Synod post cards in the page Future in focus at Synod 2023

Future in focus at Synod 2023

General Secretary Rev Dr Mark Lawrence is encouraging Uniting Church members to embrace Synod 2023 from November 18-21.
Picture of Yes image in the page Speaking up for the Voice

Speaking up for the Voice

Moderator David Fotheringham recently joined other faith leaders at St Paul's Cathedral in Melbourne to affirm the Synod's support for the October 14 referendum on an indigenous Voice to Parliament.
Picture of David august in the page Church thrives in regions

Church thrives in regions

In his regular Crosslight magazine column, Moderator David Fotheringham reflects on a recent trip around western Victoria, which again showed the wonderful work being done by Uniting Church members.
Picture of Nia lavaki e1688945373557 in the page Nia embraces youth role

Nia embraces youth role

Nia Lavaki is looking forward to an engaging journey focusing on promoting youth and multicultural ministry as part of the equipping Leadership for Mission team in Parkville.
Picture of Song one in the page The science of song

The science of song

Uniting Church members Rev Dr Peter Blackwood and Geoffrey Grinton will take centre stage at the Melbourne Recital Centre next month.
Picture of Australian flag in the page Honours for UC members

Honours for UC members

A number of Uniting Church members have been recognised in this year's King's Birthday Honours List for their outstanding community service.
Picture of Winter one scaled e1686280357449 in the page Putting faith into action

Putting faith into action

As we enter winter, an annual Uniting Vic.Tas appeal is helping many people deal with unexpected hardship.
Picture of David column in the page Break down the barriers

Break down the barriers

In his Crosslight magazine column, Moderator David Fotheringham tells us of what can be achieved through faith when barriers are broken down.
Picture of Easter online in the page Moderator's Easter message

Moderator’s Easter message

During Easter we are invited to bear witness to the emergence of hope and life in the resurrected Jesus, says Moderator David Fotheringham.
Picture of Easter one e1680485266931 in the page Reflections on Easter

Reflections on Easter

As we look ahead to Easter, five Uniting Church Ministers share what the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ means to them.
Picture of Resource one in the page Word's out on worship

Word’s out on worship

The third Sunday in March marked the third anniversary of the creation of a worship resource that has helped Uniting Church members worship from home since 2020.
Picture of Column two e1679606774809 in the page Cries ring out for justice

Cries ring out for justice

In his Crosslight magazine column, Moderator David Fotheringham reflects on how God hears the cries of those who have been exploited and are bereaved.
Picture of Uluru one in the page Uniting Church supports Voice

Uniting Church supports Voice

The Uniting Church in Australia has confirmed its strong support for a yes vote later this year on an Indigenous Voice to Parliament.
Picture of Transpride pic two in the page Statement from the Moderator

Statement from the Moderator

Moderator David Fotheringham has issued a statement following the anti-trans rally held at Victoria's Parliament House on March 18.
Picture of Induction one e1678224639844 in the page New roles celebrated

New roles celebrated

Five Uniting Church members were welcomed into new roles within the Synod at a service at the Centre for Theology and Ministry yesterday.
Picture of Swan hill one e1676927304568 in the page Warm welcome for refugees

Warm welcome for refugees

Swan Hill Uniting Church congregation members are opening their hearts to refugees from Afghanistan.
Picture of Raingarden one 1 in the page Project is right as rain

Project is right as rain

As part of a strong environmental ethos, Warrandyte Uniting Church members have created a wonderful raingarden on their property for the community to enjoy.
Picture of Judith richards in the page Awards honour long service

Awards honour long service

Eaglehawk's Judith Richards is among six Victorians connected to the Uniting Church honoured with Australia Day awards.
Picture of Xmas message in the page Moderator's Christmas message

Moderator’s Christmas message

In his Christmas message, Moderator David Fotheringham invites us to celebrate "the grace, love and hope God brings" to our world.
Picture of Poems one e1671412656678 in the page Christmas blessings

Christmas blessings

As we celebrate Christmas, Rev Jennie Gordon offers us three poems she hopes will "birth a new hope, screaming with life, cradled with love".
Picture of Flood pic two in the page Moderator's flood letter

Moderator’s flood letter

Moderator David Fotheringham has written a pastoral letter expressing support for communities impacted by flooding in Victoria and Tasmania.
Picture of Star wars one in the page The Lord/Force be with you

The Lord/Force be with you

The hit 1977 movie 'Star Wars' and its character Obi-Wan Kenobi offer plenty to ponder for people of faith, says author Peter Malone.
Picture of Adelaide one scaled e1660890939170 in the page Questions on the Bible

Questions on the Bible

Author Meredith Lake believes questioning the messages we’ve inherited from a colonial Bible is central to understanding our faith.
Picture of Synod four in the page The meet of the matter

The meet of the matter

Synod 2022 last month brought together about 200 people for three days of deep engagement and discernment around issues affecting the Uniting Church in Victoria and Tasmania.
Picture of Test pic synod in the page Synod 2022 day two recap

Synod 2022 day three recap

Synod 2022 wrapped up today, with a number of proposals adopted, and seven members elected to the Standing Committee.
Picture of Test pic synod in the page Synod 2022 day two recap

Synod 2022 day two recap

Today's second day of Synod 2022 included a response to Tasmania’s End-Of-Life Choices (Voluntary Assisted Dying) legislation, and well-deserved recognition for former eLM executive officer Jenny Byrnes.
Picture of Synod meeting three e1656675321431 in the page Synod 2022 day one recap

Synod 2022 day one recap

Day one of Synod 2022 today welcomed new Moderator David Fotheringham, featured a report from outgoing Moderator Denise Liersch, and included the tabling of a number of important reports.
Picture of Worship four e1656595663243 in the page New Moderator installed

New Moderator installed

Wesley Church was the setting last night as Rev David Fotheringham was officially installed as Synod of Victoria and Tasmania Moderator, replacing outgoing Moderator Denise Liersch.
Picture of Denise version three in the page Fond farewell to Denise

Fond farewell to Denise

As Denise Liersch prepares to leave the role of Moderator, she reflects on a three-year term which involved a number of unexpected challenges.
Picture of Lockwod two 1 e1655960802576 in the page Building on faith

Building on faith

For 150 years, a Lockwood South church has been the spiritual centre for generations of worshippers.
Picture of Alison one e1655974646137 in the page Reconciliation on right track

Reconciliation on right track

As our First Peoples mark National Sorry Day and National Reconciliation Week, the push for change continues to gather momentum.