Lay Leadership Resources
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Pastoral Care Training Pathway
Pastoral Care Training available at various levels and costs in 2024.
Exploring the Old Testament
An introductory, faith deepening, and discipleship forming course in the Old Testament.
Resources for mentally and emotionally challenging times
Resources to support good mental and emotional (and spiritual!) health during difficult times.
Where can I learn what I need to become a Lay Preacher?
Study to become a Lay Preacher through your Presbytery or Pilgrim Theological College
Exploring the New Testament
An introductory, faith deepening, and discipleship forming course in the New Testament.
Exploring Preaching in the UCA
A course on learning how to preach and the place of preaching in Worship.
Lay Education Online Learning
Online education and resources for lay people, accessed locally through your Presbytery.
Called to be a Church for all
A liturgy for including people with disabilities - great for Advent (3 December, International Day of People with Disability) and all year round.
What training is required to become a Lay Preacher?
What do I need to study to become a Lay Preacher?
Ministry of Lay Preacher
"every member ... has gifts for service, ... all ministries have a part in the ministry of Christ"
Period of Discernment (overview)
The Period of Discernment is about taking intentional time and space to explore God's call in your life.
Period of Discernment Resources
Resources for participants, mentors, Presbyteries/congregations/faith communities around the Period of Discernment.
Period of Discernment Presbytery contacts
Looking for someone in your Presbytery to talk with about the Period of Discernment? The information is here!
DIY “Do-it-Yourself” Modules
The set of ‘Do-It-Yourself’ (DIY) modules introduce and explore a range of important topics within the Uniting Church, and provide the resources to facilitate an educational session on each topic.
Pastoral care for older people and people with Dementia
'Do-It-Yourself' DIY Modules on Pastoral care for older people, and people with Dementia; being a Dementia friendly congregation.
Congregational leadership
'Do-It-Yourself' DIY modules which explore topics important for those who lead, or wish to lead, in congregations or faith communities.
Leadership skills
"Do-It-Yourself' DIY modules which explore some basic leadership skills needed in a healthy church.
Foundations of faith
'Do-It-Yourself' DIY modules which explore basic Biblical and theological topics.
Day-to-day ministry
'Do-It-Yourself' DIY modules which explore what it means to respond to God's call to ministry in different contexts.
Congregational life
'Do-It-Yourself' DIY modules which explore what it means to be the church today.
We Are the Uniting Church
The UCA Assembly has produced a video series called "We are the UCA". These short videos are great for group discussions.
Otira Book Club
The Otira Theological Book Club, situated at the Centre for Theology & Ministry, has available for loan a wide range of books that have been chosen to create fascinating discussions, offer another perspective, enable an opportunity for adult Christian education, and provide a good reason to get together and share in community.